El seminari tindrà lloc del 18 al 28 de novembre. Busquem 4 participants (de màxim 30 anys) i 1 persona coordinadora! T'animes?
Youth Exchange for young people who are actively supporting gender equality
Call for participants
(4 participants + 1 group leader per partner organisation)
18-28. November 2016 (Fri – Mon)
Age limit: 30
“Get ACTive!”
Are you active in the field of gender equality or interested in it?! Perfect! We would like to invite you to join this special project.
With this youth exchange we want to motivate, prepare and support young people for a commitment to support gender equality and give the opportunity for a first exchange of experiences.
Today our society is going through significant changes, however, youth is often lacking a safe forum to discuss personal experiences in a constructive manner. Theatre of the Oppressed (or Forum Theatre) is an efficient method to address any social issues and to enable the people to find solution strategies together in order to cope with the challenges they might face both on a societal and an individual level.
Theatre of the Oppressed offers a unique possibility not only to map difficulties and initiate a discourse, but also to act out situations and to personally experience them, thus gaining a better understanding of one’s own reactions and inhibitions, as well as to discover possible solutions linked to the common social problem.
- raising awareness of gender issues
- learning about the method of Theatre of the Oppressed
- sharing personal experiences, initiating an international discourse
- writing a new play on gender issues based on the participants’ own experiences and input
- empowering participants with the necessary know-how and encouraging them to start their
- give tools to start own forum theatre groups in their communities
- building a network of forum theatre groups
18-28. November 2016
You should arrive the 18th and depart the 28th of November.
Zalamerenye (Zala county, Hungary)
Zalamerenye is a tiny beautiful countryside village in west Hungary nearby lake Balaton. Here you can experience the silence and charm of nature during outside activities and your free time.
Food and accommodation will be provided by the host organisation, financed by grant from the Erasmus+ programme.
Si estàs interessat/ada en participar, escriu un correu a voluntariat@sci-cat.org amb el teu CV i carta de motivació abans del 28 de setembre.