El seminari, emmarcat dins el projecte de Raising Peace, tindrà lloc a Le Mans de l'1 al 7 de juny i treballarà en qüestions relacionades amb joventut i construcció de pau. El vol està 100 % subvencionat i les gestions les durà a terme l'SCI.
'Peace Builders Training Course' 1-7 June 2016 to take place in France targeting at 26 youth workers and trainers from partner organisations, working on the local level with and who have direct contact with young people in their local communities, and who are able to commit and take part in actions starting after the training and continuing until the ‘Conference’.
Date: arrival on 1st and departure on 7th June 2016
Hosted by: Concordia Le Mans
Venue Address: CENTRE DU GUE BERNISSON, 102 rue de l'Estérel, 72000 LE MANS
1. understand the phenomena of rejection of migrants, of rise of violence (extreme-right or terrorist), especially among young people
2. provide the space to share best practices and local realities related to the understanding of causes of involvement of youth in violent extremism
3. analyse our position as IVS organisations in this context and understand what are the tools and means that can be used
4. outline a strategy and to raise awareness on the role that IVS organisations can play in face of violent extremism
5. promote the work and the tools of IVS organisations in the field of peace and human rights education, active participation and social inclusion
6. improve the professional capacity of youth leaders and workers in using NFE techniques in contexts and communities where violence is present while acting as multipliers and touching the young population
7. empower youth workers to promote non-violent communication and intercultural dialogue and re-connect youth organisations and young people
8. improve cooperation and exchange between the EU and the Southern Mediterranean region.
The project is open to the partners of the C2P project who can nominate their permanent staff, active members or long term volunteers who have responsibilities related to international coordination and who can represent their organisations having a good working knowledge of English and coming from one of the partner organisations of this project.
Participants will have the following profiles:
- Involved in IVS movements and have an active role in their organisations
- Able to represent the best practice of their organisations and to support in the fulfilment of the objectives above;
- Youth workers trained in the 'Peace Builders Training Course' should implement at least one multiplier action on a local project using the experience gained.
- Able to understand and discuss complex issues in English.
Si estàs interessat/ada en participar i vols més informació, contacta a nordsud@sci-cat.org abans de 15 de maig.