Participa d’una formació sobre processos participatiu a Tunísia!

Participa d’una formació sobre processos participatiu a Tunísia!

Capacity-building activity on “Structured Participation in Democratic Processes”, 2-9 June 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia.

The training activity will be organised in the framework of the 2nd edition of the Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship and in parallel with other activities organised by partners such as the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and the EU-CoE youth partnership.

Objectives and Expected Results

As defined in 2014-20145 programme of activities of NSC-CoE, the overall objective of the activity is “to support empowerment of civil society and more particularly of the youth organisations with the purpose of making them fully fledged actors of governance”.

The specific objectives are:

– To reflect about our individual and organisational practice of global democratic citizenship (participation and representation in decision/ policymaking);
– To map good practices of youth structures development and Structured Participation in Europe and Southern Mediterranean region;
– To get acquainted with different principles, tools and opportunities to further develop the organisation of the youth movement mainly in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region and of Structured Participation initiatives and mechanisms;
– To exchange views and share challenges and achievements and identify proposals for improvement with representatives of the quadrilogue;
– To engage young people and youth organisations in the intra and inter-regional co-operation.

Expected results:

– 15/20 young activists are trained and equipped with tools related with Structured Participation;
– Network, partnership and peer-learning between youth organisations are reinforced;
– Awareness within quadrilogue actors raised about the relevant contribution of youth organisations to
democratic processes and suggestions for future improvements identified.

This training course will focus on competences’ development of youth workers/activists involved in civil society organisations in Europe and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean.

The course is addressed to young people from Europe (CoE member States) and Southern and Eastern
Mediterranean (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Jordan).

Participants should fulfil the following criteria:
– Being actively involved in a youth organisation (local, national, regional, international) as volunteers,
trainers and/or youth workers;
– Aged between 18-30 years old;
– Being involved in an organisation, project or initiative that aims at the participation of young people in
democratic governance/decision and policy making.