Naturkultur e.V. està buscant voluntàries ESC per donar suport en temes de comunicació, audiovisuals i xarxes socials a partir de novembre
Consulta tota la informació dels projectes “European Solidarity Corps”. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts. Només caldrà que et facis sòci/a de l’SCI pagant la quota anual de 45 €.
2 ESC opportunities in Bremen, Germany
ESC at Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut
Are you passionate about dance? What about film? This volunteering project combines these two topics. You can join the team at the German Dance Film Institute, the largest archive of dance films and thus an important educational institution in the arts sector. The main task of the EVS volunteer is helping with the filming and production of dance films, recorded during events in Bremen and other places in Germany. You will also be involved in supporting the organisation in the digitisation of video cassettes to create an online archive of their materials, helping with the organisation of the “Tanzsalon”, a monthly event for citizens of Bremen and editing of publicity materials like instagram, website, facebook and other materials.
Dates: 22.11.2021 – 30.9.2022
Read the call here
ESC at NaturKultur e.V. in Bremen, Germany
Have you ever dreamt about moving abroad and living in a new community, with a different culture? Or have you ever had the desire to work in a fun, outgoing, creative and multinational team with lots of experience in the field of international youth work? NaturKultur e.V. searches for an ESC volunteer! Your main tasks as a volunteer will be making interesting posts, vlogs, photos and videos about the projects that NaturKultur organizes and writing new articles, stories and news on the website (, compiling a newsletter, making a plan how organisation can become more visible in Bremen and managing social media accounts.
Dates: 3.01.2022 – 30.9.2022
Read the call here
Si estàs interessat/ada envia el teu CV i la teva carta de motivació a el més aviat possible!