De 27 de Novembre al 3 de Desembre FIYE Poland acollirà la Peace Week sobre gènere, dret al propi cos i igualtat. El trajecte està subvencionat i el total del projecte tindrà un cost de participació de 100€.* Per participar dels seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.
The Raising Peace Campaign aims at strengthening and improving the visibility of the role of the International Voluntary Service movement in the promotion of peace and human rights.
The campaign includes 3 Peace Weeks on these fundamental topics: The rights of migrant people, refugees and to citizenship of every person in the world (in May, hosted by JAVVA in Brussels) The right to healthy life, food and housing (in September, hosted by SCI Catalunya) The rights related to gender, sexuality and to the own body (in November, hosted by FIYE in Poland). The Peace Weeks will train activists from all over the world and will lead to awareness raising actions on these topics.
Objectives of the training: The rights related to gender, sexuality and to the own body :
• to learn, reflect and communicate on the situation, causes, and alternatives around Human Rights in Europe, and especially regarding the LGBT community and the personal right to choose own personal orientation;
• to empower participants with abilities to implement and lead peace and human rights campaigning activities;
• to spread awareness through campaigning activities on the topic of the peace week, locally and internationally;
• to make advocacy in front of relevant institutions in order to promote programmes and protection regarding the topic of the peace week.
Here you can find the program here
Financial conditions:
There is a 100€ participation fee per participant to be paid in euros on arrival.
Member organisations and partners are expected to cover the travel costs of their representatives. There will be 100% travel reimbursement up to 250€ which will be reimbursed by CCIVS the earliest 3 months after the end of the training on receipt of all boarding passes, train/bus tickets, visa receipts and a copy of visa page on the passport etc..,
Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have been confirmed by email as a participant on this event. Once confirmed please share your proposed travel to the CCIVS Secretariat for approval before booking (this is to avoid any unnecessary problems with reimbursement due to financial regulations by the financers)
If you are interested in this project send an email to before the 18th of November.