Protegeix el medi ambient fent un camp de treball

Protegeix el medi ambient fent un camp de treball

Descobreix els camps de treball sobre protecció del medi ambient, ecologia i sostenibilitat. N’hi ha més de 270 al territori i arreu del món!

Hi ha camps al territori i arreu del món sobre una gran varietat de temàtiques: antiracisme, gènere, infants, persones en situació de dependència, recuperació del territori i art, entre d’altres. En aquesta notícia, però, destacarem els camps que es centren en la protecció del medi ambient, ecologia i sostenibilitat. 

La quota de participació en un camp és de 150€ que inclouen els 100€ en despeses de gestió, formació prèvia i assegurança i els 50 € de la quota anual de sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Aquí tens tots els passos a seguir per inscriure’t a un camp de treball. No en tens prou? Vine a una xerrada informativa sobre els camps de treball!

Has de tenir en compte que abans de participar en qualsevol camp de treball és obligatori anar a alguna de les formacions prèvies. Enguany són els dies 25 i 26 de maig a Cambrils i el 6 i 7 de juliol a Llinars del Vallès.

Aquests són alguns dels camps disponibles sobre protecció mediambiental, però pots consultar-ne més al buscador de camps d’SCI Internacional, n’hi ha més de 270! Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, edats i temàtiques.

Denmark: Youth Island 2024 (18th-25th of June)

Description: UngdomsEen (aka Youth Island) is an island located just a short ferry ride from Copenhagen. Its mission is to strengthen young people in their journey to become active, committed, and curious citizens who take responsibility for each other, for their communities, and for the development of our societies. All of our actions at UngdomsEen are based on our vision: To be an Island for the youth. Everything we do on the Island aims at creating an inviting environment/project for, with, and by young people.

Type of work: Renovating and creating an inviting and exciting environment on the Island.This Work Camp will focus on projects that aim at building, renovating, and fixing things inside as well as outside the island. This year we want to focus on creating a welcoming environment on the harbor quay in various ways. We need to make a restoration of the windows in the old fortress. Cleaning the beach for seaweed and creating a beautiful greenhouse garden.Lastly, we also want to help the operations team with the projects they are occupied with.

Germany: Nature Lovers Island in the Berlin Environs (1st-12th of July)

Description: You will contribute to sustaining the ecosystem of Liepnitz island and the forests around the island.

Type of Work: You get to help the local foresters with various environmental works in the woods. Next to that, you will also help with renovation and construction works on the island and in the forests around the island. Possible tasks include removing bushes and invasive small tree species, helping sustain the ecosystem of the moors, collecting rubbish and wood, repairing tasks and so on. Your work days will be 6 hours long and the weekends are free.

Kosovo: Caring for Bears and Promoting Education about Animal Welfare (14th-26th of July)

Description: BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina, established in 2013 by FOUR PAWS International, serves as a safe place for brown bears that were once kept in captivity near restaurants. Within our sanctuary, 20 rescued bears receive care, including appropriate nutrition, veterinary care, enrichment activities, and space for natural behaviours such as roaming, swimming, digging, foraging, and expressing their instincts. Additionally, we play an important role in animal welfare education, cultivating a bond between individuals and the natural world through impactful outdoor and indoor activities. We are committed to developing and providing an educational program, with a primary focus on animal welfare and environmental preservation.

Type of Work: Join us in creating educational content centred around animals and plants, intended for distribution along our visitors’ path. Additionally, we will be crafting captivating artwork! Together, we’ll design murals, paintings, and handmade creations. Through our efforts, we aim to ignite passion for animal welfare and encourage proactive steps towards their protection. Our involvement extends to supporting the dedicated caretakers of our bears. Daily tasks such as preparing food and enrichment for bears, as well as maintaining a clean environment, will be part of our hands-on contribution. Participation in workshops and discussions focusing on animal welfare will broaden your knowledge and deepen your connection with the cause. We will be working 5-6 hours per day, five days a week.

Austria: “Invasive Aliens Action Days” – International Workcamp in the Nationalpark Gesäuse (28th of July-04th of August)

Description: Biodiversity-rich places like the Gesäuse are under threat. Get your hands dirty and support the nature protection work in the Gesäuse National Park. Experience the wilderness of Gesäuse National Park and contribute to the battle against invasive alien species at the same time! If this sounds like a perfect match for you, join our international workcamp in the Gesäuse National Park!

Type of Work: We will remove invasive plants to prevent irreversible anthropogenic effects on sensitive ecosystems. We will also have time to get to know each other and enjoy the summer in the mountains.

Netherlands: Removing invasive species in the south of the Netherlands (28th of July-10th of August)

Description: For the first time, ‘Het Limburgs Landschap’-an NGO committed to the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage in Limburg- in cooperation with VIA:SCI Netherlands are organising a work camp in the dutch southern province of Limburg. The workcamp will be located in Cottessen, where the river Geul flows from Belgium into the Netherlands, a protected area included in the EU’s Natura2000 list.

Type of Work: The volunteers will help reverse the damage caused by a big flood in 2022 when seeds of harmful exotic species spread around the area. This will be achieved by carefully removing the harmful species manually. Additionally, to raise awareness and facilitate exchange, local volunteers will join in for a few days, and there will be an ‘action day’ organized by the cross-border collaboration on invasive exotic species, with upstream municipalities and managers participating, including the Municipality of Raeren and Aachen

Germany: Nature Photography, Berlin (29th of July-09th of August)


Type of work: Professional photographers will teach you techniques of nature photography. You will visit different places where you can practice your photography skills. The camp will take place in BerlinPhotography classes: Berlin: 9 days (each 5 hours)

Switzerland: Gipsgrueb Community, Ehrendingen AG (25th of August-7th of September)

Description: The cooperative “Gipsgrueb” is situated outside the village of Ehrendingen, in a small calm valley at the foot of the last mountain of the Jura-range. The over-100-years-old buildings of a former cement factory were left unattended for many years. Since the taking-over by the cooperative „Gipsgrueb“ in 1982 a garden and a farm were built up on the agricultural land. Since the beginning both were run on the guidelines of organic farming. The area occupied by the cooperative was about 14ha consisting mainly of extensive pastures & meadows, woods & ponds. 15 years ago most of the land was sold to Pro Natura, the Swiss nature conservation organisation. Today, the farm is run by a young local tenant with a little troop of goats and the garden mainly serves the personal needs of the community.

Type of Work: You will work 2 x 5 days supporting the cooperative maintaining meadows and pastures, care the forest, cutting back bushes and little trees and prepare firewood for the central heating of the house. You will also be harvesting blackberries in the garden of the cooperative and do different gardening work. You will be working with different tools as e.g. pruning shears, shovels or machetes. The tasks depend also on the weather and they are usually physically demanding. Insect stings on the workcamp site are possible to happen.

Germany: Nature Lovers 1 (26th of August-06th of September)


Type of Work: Your work will include different activities in a natural park like to build an apiary, to help farmers or similar works. Your help is also needed for maintenance works, e.g. on orchid meadows, in forests or on a bird island.This project is especially for nature lovers. Please be prepared to work 5-6 hours a day. Volunteers should come prepared for light or heavy work and be motivated for anything to help the rangers of the Nature Reserve.

Austria: ESC European Green Belt Camp (07th-21st of September)

Description: The dry grasslands of the so-called “Weinviertler Klippenzone” in the European Green Belt along the border between Austria and Czech Republic are a habitat of a lot of different rare plants and animal species. To maintain these habitats and to avoid invasion of bushes into the grasslands it is necessary to establish regular management. Biotope maintenance like mowing or removing bushes or neophytes will be implemented on rupicolous or steppic grasslands in protected areas – situated amidst a beautiful wine-growing landscape. This helps to preserve rare species like the critically endangered Feather Grass (Stipa tirsa) or the butterfly Mountain Alcon Blue (Phengaris rebeli).

Type of work: International and local volunteers will help mowing steep meadows and remove bushes from dry rocky grasslands that are threatened to be overgrown by bushes and trees. So they will contribute actively to preserve endangered species. Work will be physical (mowing, raking, cutting bushes) and will last for about 5 – 6 hours every day.


*Per fer un camp de treball al Sud es requereix ser major de 21 anys, tenir experiència prèvia en voluntariat i una formació extra d’aprofundiment.

TOGO: Agro-ecological Space And Permaculture (2nd – 20th of July)

Description: This small farm is located in a heavily wooded area with a small river nearby. It allows for the cultivation of a variety of organic vegetables for local consumption. During the summer, immersive stays are offered to make agroecology techniques and practices accessible to everyone at a garden scale.

Type of Work: Manufacture of boards, nursery, hoeing; compost; Transplanting seedlings, watering seedlings; Reinforce the garden fence with bamboo; Construction of a straw and bamboo hut for relaxing and preserving tools and products; Organization of educational activities in the garden with children.

INDONESIA: Semoya Eco-Farming Camp (1st – 14th of july)

Description: Semoya is a Javanese traditional village located in Brebah District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The Semoya community continues to preserve Javanese culture as one of their daily activities. There are many activities ranging from dance and performing arts such as ‘ketoprak’ and ‘wayang’ which are often held for local communities and tourists.

Type of Work: The community cooperates with the Bhumi Horta Foundation this year to provide long-term assistance to support their agriculture transformation, from conventional agriculture to environmentally friendly agriculture. This mentoring program includes several activities, such as mentoring the production of organic agricultural production facilities, sustainable agricultural cultivation techniques, and permaculture principles implementation practices.

KENYA: Roddy’s Eco Cover Environmental Project (12th – 30th of July)

Description: Roddy’s Eco-Cover is a community-based organization founded in 2011 to champion environmental awareness with forestry as key concern. The project was established by members of the local community with the aim of empowerment for the less fortunate members in the quest to tackle development challenges at the grassroots. Its major focus is on environmental concern to mitigate the effects of climate change and foster inter-cultural education among the local community.

Type of Work: Agro forestry that will include: tree planting, preparation of tree nurseries and weeding, land scaping and tending to bamboo trees in the natural hábitat, cleanup activities.

COLOMBIA: Let’s build an EcoDome (12th – 30th of July)

Description: This project will be carried out in cooperation with a natural park, located near Bogotá, between 2.100m and 2.600m above sea level.

Type of Work: Help us build an EcoDome with sustainable materials in the heart of a natural park, designed as a space to rest and share the ancestral knowledge of the Muisca culture.

NEPAL: Art Cultural Exchange and Environmental Int’l Work camp 13th – 24th of august

Description: The work camp takes place in a small village at Shree Balmiki Basic School. The spectacular things about Nepal is its cultural heritage and festivals, GAI JATRA (Cow Carnival) Festival celebrated is much more popular in Bhaktapur city.Volunteers will get rare opportunity to observe and participate in this festival. The project provides you to discover the normal life of Newar community in Bhaktapur, a cultural, historical and an ancient city.

Type of Work: The volunteers will engage in painting, cleaning, gardening, and tree planting. They will also conduct classes and environmental awareness activities at the local school and in community parks. Additionally, they will participate in a one-day eco-trek to Bojinidamm and Nagarkot Hill, involving garbage collection and cleaning the trekking path. Volunteers will also help at the festival site and participate in the cultural dance “Ghintang Ghisi” during the GAI JATRA (Cow Carnival) Festival.

També pots fer un camp de treball al territori o coordinar-ne un! Si tens qualsevol dubte pots escriure’ns a