L’SCI d’Hongria busca una voluntària ESC per un projecte d’inclusió social a un centre sociocultural a Budapest, Hongria, a partir de l’octubre
El projecte ‘Open Doors’ de l’SCI d’Hongria treballa amb persones refugiades mitjançant tasques de comunicació audiovisual i disseny i està cercant una voluntària europea durant un any. Contacta’ns ja!
Pots consultar la informació sobre el programa de European Solidarityu Corps, entra aquí. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts.
About the project: Open Doors working group provides program for a diverse community (refugees, migrants, international and Hungarian volunteers, locals) by the tools of visual communication, community architecture and social design. Open Doors Hungary was founded to support the successful integration of young refugees living in Hungary, as well as raising awareness of their Hungarian peers using art and design as a tool to bridge cultural differences. Volunteers implementing the project have been working with the target group since January 2013 through activities organized on a weekly basis, complemented by intensive workshops, public events and international summer voluntary camps and projects.
Open Doors (cooperating with an other intercultural community, MIRA) runs an intercultural community space and creative hub, called MiraDoor, where refugees and locals can meet and learn from each other. We oragnize diverse programs on an every day basis (creative workshops, intercultural events, movie nights).
The volunteer will mainly support the operational part of MiraDoor such as organizing events, coordinating volunteers, brainstorming about new programs and projects. Open Doors has an other ESC volunteer already, they will work together, and support each other as well.
We are happy with a volunteer, who finds inspiration in the power of community building. Even though the volunteer will always have a partner tasks, as we are working with a vulnerable target group we need a person who is able to improvise, to find solutions quickly in front of unpredictable issues. The participant has to be very patient, tolerant and open minded. This person have to own good organizing skills, a positive and proactive attitude. We are looking for a volunteer able to work well individually and in team, flexible and reliable. And the volunteer should have some prior experience with people from different cultural background / youth with fewer opportunities / creativity or art projects.
Tasks: During this one year project the volunteer:
– Will work in a horizontal team, and have the chance to realise his/her project ideas cooperating with other volunteers.
– Learn about intercultural communities.
– Learn about event management and communication.
– Learn about running a community space.
– Work in a very diverse and colourful environment.
– Learn about writing and implementing international youth projects.
– Learn about the situation of migration in Hungary and work with young refugees and migrants living in Budapest.
If you are interested send now your CV and motivation letter in English to longterm@scicat.org before the 23rd of August
Organization: Útilapu Hálózat – SCI Hungary, Budapest
Start project: 1st of October 2020
Duration: 30th of September 2021
Podeu seguir el projecte ‘Open Doors Hungary’ a Facebook, Instagram i Vimeo.