Seminari a Hongria sobre mitjans, educació i drets humans!

Seminari a Hongria sobre mitjans, educació i drets humans!

Participa al seminari "Ready, Set… Peace Action- Media Education to Peace and Human Rights!" del 18 al 25 de setembre a Hongria! Es tracta de la campanya Raising Peace del CCIVS.

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

The Raising Peace Campaign (RPC)
Since its creation in 2014, the RPC has been a powerful instrument that allowed CCIVS to put into practice the long term strategic plan for the thematic of Human Rights & Peace, as defined in the White Paper on International Voluntary Service 2011-21.
The success of this initiative made RPC a permanent campaign, aiming at strengthening the role of the IVS movement on Human Rights and Peace, by generating empowerment, action and networking and advocacy.

In the last 3 years, several members of the IVS movement contributed to the Campaign with different activities, such as Raising Peace Camps, Peace Action Weeks, training courses, seminars, street actions. These activities involved hundreds of participants around the world and strengthened their skills and motivation to work on Peace and Human Rights.

Here are more details about RP:

“Ready, Set…Peace Action!” – Description of the project
The current social context, both in Europe and in the regions included in the project, is characterized by the presence of conflicts, occupation, refugee crisis, rise in extremism, poverty and social exclusion. This project means to offer an opportunity for young people,
activists and volunteers belonging to the IVS movement to design innovative responses to these contexts, in order to produce social change at local and international level and to raise awareness on the topics of Peace and Human Rights. The methodology of media 
education has been chosen in order to strengthen commitment of organisations and the involvement of participants.

"m.Education: Ready, Set… Peace Action! – Media Education in Awareness Actions on Peace and Human Rights” is a multi-activity project that foresees different correlated activities and a central phase organised independently by the partners.

– The first step will be the "Training Course on Media applied to Peace and Human Rights" to be held in Holloko, Hungary, from 18 to 25 September 2017. It will be hosted by Egyesek and will welcome 26 participants. Main objective of the course is to train participants to become “BloggeHRs” and “VloggeHRs”, activists with media skills who will create video blogs on Human Rights and Peace (a "vlog" is a blog featuring mainly contents in video format; the word "VloggeHR" is our creation and indicates a Vlogger active in the field of HR

The Training
Combining the methodology of non-formal education and media education, the training course will provide participants with an interesting set of skills and valuable knowledge to improve their profile as peace and human rights activists. Participants will be involved in
plenary and group activities, where they will learn more about the IVS movement and the Raising Peace Campaign, going in depth in the topic of peace and human rights and the intercultural initiatives to promote them.

Regarding the technical abilities, the training course will be instrumental to provide participants with the following competences:
– skills to design digital productions with contents on peace and human rights;
– techniques aimed at involving actively young people on media productions;
– abilities on promoting their digital creations with the use of different channels;
– understanding of the different challenges related to human rights, in order to properly identify the targets and the topics of the media productions;

Participants profile
– Previous participation in intercultural and voluntary activities (such as workcamp, youth exchanges, training courses, etc);
– Knowledge about 
– Strong interest in the topic of media (blog, vlog, photography, video-making);
– Motivation to be engaged in activities on Peace and Human Rights after the training, in order to produce the digital creations;
– Although there is no age limit (18 years old is minimum age), organisations are encouraged to select young participants.

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