Seminari a Roma: El voluntariat com a constructor de pau (1945-1990)

Seminari a Roma: El voluntariat com a constructor de pau (1945-1990)

Participa al camp d'estudi "Peace Builders/Peace messengers (1945-1990)" a Roma del 26 d'agost al 3 de setembre! 

“Peace Builders/Peace messengers (1945-1990)” és el primer seminari d'un projecte més ampli anomenat "Volunteering Vs Violence" liderat per la branca SCI Hellas (Grècia) i en col·laboració amb SCI Itàlia, OWA Poland i SCI Catalunya. El seminari tindrà lloc a Roma l'última setmana d'agost i primera de setembre i acollirà un total de 18 persones voluntàries internacionals.

Per participar només cal que siguis soci/a de l'SCI.

SCI Hellas, as coordinating organization, along with SCI Catalunya, SCI Italy, and OWA Poland, as partner organizations, are happy to announce the implementation of three study camps on the impact international volunteering has had throughout the years. The project is called “Volunteering vs Violence” and aims to give the participants all the tools necessary to understand the relevance of international volunteering, especially in times of conflict or change. Given the various locations, each camp will have different activities and will focus on a different time frame: from 1920 to 1945 for Catalunya, 1945-1989 for Italy, and 1989-nowadays for Poland. After the implementation of the study camps, a final conference will be held in Athens in March 2019 to present, share, and discuss
the results of the project.

1st study camp, La Città dell’Utopia, Rome, Italy
IVS volunteers as Peace Builders/Peace messengers (1945-1990) in Rome shall focus on the history of peace-building and peace promotion through antifascism as an opposition to the most important ideology and political practice of violence in post-war Europe.
From 26th of August until 3rd September participants will explore the public space of Rome in order to find the signs of volunteering and activism for peace, how is their presence integrated in the urban fabric, how it affects the day-to-day life of its citizens, what impression does it create in visitors.

What meaning do historical places have nowadays? How are they perceived/used today? What do we learn about the history and the present situation of the city (in relation to peace-building and antifascist struggle) by walking along its streets? How is this different from the situation in your own context? How public space might be used to express and promote ideas, how they can become instruments for resistance and peace building?

– Study the history of La Città dell’Utopia as a crossing spot between antifascist struggles and volunteering-for-peace activities
– Study the history of the neighbourhood
– Learn about the recent past and the present of the place and about how volunteering indeed affects the local community
– Tour of historical and contemporary antifascist places
– Make your own research tour
– Work together on the materials you brought
– Come up with your own contribution to the project

For whom
Participants must be over 18 and everybody from the 28 EU member states plus Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina is welcomed to apply.
As the ideal participant you should:
– be interested in Volunteering and have some knowledge on this topic;
– come from one of the above-mentioned project countries;
– be able to communicate well and work in English;
– with minimum age 18 (no maximum age);

This project is taking place within the framework of Europe for Citizens, Strad 1, Remembrance.

When and Where
Rome, Italy 26/8/2018 – 3/9/2018 
Participants will be hosted at the hostel of La Città dell’Utopia, a local project of SCI Italy which is a perfect example of a space for learning and remembrance of the past of the antifascist resistance against violence, as well as the history of internationalist volunteering. It has been and it continues being a shared space between different struggles, a space where different causes, people, cultures and stories meet and interact. A space where local and international volunteering communities have been built, where active citizenship and political awareness have been cultivated, where political activities towards peace have been developed.

Financial Conditions
The food and accommodation of the participants will be fully covered. Reimbursement of the travel tickets will be up to 120 euros. No application fee needs to be paid by the applicants. We encourage you to use environmentally friendly transport (bus, train, car sharing) when possible.

How to apply
Contact the partners organizations for information regarding the application:
For Italy:

Application deadline
25th July 2018

Termini d'aplicació ampliat fins el 17 d'agost!

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