Seminari contra els estereotips a Lozen, Bulgària

Seminari contra els estereotips a Lozen, Bulgària

Participa al seminari “Visual Storytelling from A to Z” que tindrà lloc del 6 al 15 d’abril a Lozen, Bulgària. Inscriu-t’hi abans del 13 de febrer!

Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte

About the project “Visual Storytelling from A to Z” project 
The project “Visual storytelling from A to Z” aims at bringing self-awareness at the participants, on their own identity and perception as human beings, not as objects of stereotypes based on their gender. This issue is very common in young people, raised in environments filled with thoughts like masculinity is for boys and emotions are for girls.

The youth needs to raise their gender literacy to achieve better self-understanding and confidence. Now in the era of technology, young people spend more time online, where many issues are projected in the web showing the need of raising the media literacy in young people. The world of media and social networks is becoming more and more visual, so the need to distinguish between the good and bad examples of media provocations is pretty urgent too.

By this project we are willing to promote gender diversity and by transferring understanding on common fundamental values of our society to reach young people and to contribute to the prevention of violent radicalization based on gender.

The specific objectives of the Visual storytelling from A to Z training c ourse are as follows:

– Introducing the visual storytelling as a method for raising awareness campaigns and create an emotional bonding with any topic;
– Raising awareness on main concepts about gender equality and deconstruct stereotypes on gender roles and appearances created by society back in the years and repeated by the modern society;
– Introducing knowledge for gender equality education, based on meeting with experts, peer learning and self-assessment techniques and connecting them with visual storytelling methodologies;
– Developing a sensibility and critical thinking on the topic of gender based inequalities, to be able to recognize the vulnerability of gender (in)equalities and showcase real stories through visual arts;
– Developing tools to work on prevention or to react in cases of gender inequalities, hate speech, exclusions or violence (online and offline);
– Developing the competences of the participants to plan, organize and implement educational activities on gender equality;
– Create a bond and ground for international cooperation and networking.

Dates and venue of the training course
The seminar will take place from 6 th till 15 th April 2020 in Bulgaria, in the training base of Bulgarian Red Cross, Lozen. Around 20km from Sofia. The participants need to arrive in the afternoon on 6t h April and depart on 15t h April 2020.

Si estàs interessat/ada, llegeix tota la informació de la convocatòria aquí, fes la teva inscripció a través del formulari, i envia un correu electrònic a l’SCI Catalunya, a avisant de la teva inscripció abans del 13 de febrer.