“Climate beyond Individual Action! How to organize young people for climate justice” és el nom del seminari que tindrà lloc a Kagel (Alemanya), del 18 al 24 d’octubre. Inscriu-‘thi!
The Venue
The seminar will take place in the education centre “Zebra Kagel”: https://zebrakagel.de/index.php/de/
It is located in a beautiful area of forest and nature, near a big lake, around 35 km east of Berlin.
• Enhancing awareness of the need for organized action around climate justice in the volunteering and peace movement
• Increased partnerships between peace/volunteering organisations and climate justice organisations
• Coming up with new volunteering projects to support the climate justice movement and increasing the quality of existing ones
• Sharing and creating approaches, workshops and tools to support young people in their organized action around climate justice (how to organize demonstrations and street actions, how to mobilize people, etc.)
We will exchange experiences and have training on the following topics:
- Climate justice
- Active citizenship and resistance
- Organized action around climate justice within the volunteering and peace movement
- deas and inspiration for local campaigning, events and activities
• New projects, demonstrations, local activist groups and alliances around climate justice
• Online platform “30 Day Challenge: Organizing Climate Justice!” – website / mailing system with tools and approaches on how to start organized resistance against climate change in just 30 days (similar to e.g. Veganuary: https://veganuary.com/)
We’re going to use a broad variety of non-formal education methods, such as world cafe, snowball discussions, research, silent exhibition, simulation games, theatre, visual harvesting, arts, energizers, role games, teambuilding games and more. There will also be projects visits to local initiatives.
Si vols més informació, pots descarregar la convocatòria en aquest enllaç. Si estàs interessat/ada escriu un correu a voluntariat@scicat.org.
*Per participar d’un seminari de l’SCI, només t’has de fer sòcia. Ho pots fer a través d’aquest enllaç.