Seminari a Hongria sobre l’impacte del voluntariat internacional

Seminari a Hongria sobre l’impacte del voluntariat internacional

Participa al seminari P.R.I.M.E (Participatory Research on Impact Measurement and Evaluation) del 2 al 7 de juny a Holloko, Hongria

Background and context
In a European context featuring an increasing mistrust towards European Institutions, NGOs and social inclusion initiatives, it is essential to present effectively the positive impact of our activities. However, this process calls for quality, skills and coordination and leaves no room for improvisation. CCIVS has a solid experience on this field, thanks to the implementation of different high-quality projects on impact measurement. The objective of this training is to provide capacity to youth workers in order to assess the impact of their social inclusion projects. This will allow staff members and organisations to improve the quality of their initiatives and to better present their results to media, funders and to the public.

The Training
Through a 5-day training course coordinated by experts on impact measurement, participants will gain skills to assess the impact of their social inclusion projects. More specifically, they will:

  • explore the intercultural dimensions of IVS projects and of field research, as well as the notion of social inclusion;
  • acquire competences related to qualitative methodology of social research, such us collection of data through surveys, interviews, observation, and interpretation and evaluation of results;
  • gain know-how on how to conduct their research “on the field” and in their international voluntary projects;
  • learn how to present data, results and impact of their projects using media and publications.

The training course will use a non-formal education methodology, combined to group and individual work, practical exercises, debriefing sessions and evaluation. It will be implemented by Francesco Volpini, former CCIVS director and expert on impact measurement, and Jelena Ristic, an experienced facilitator with broad knowledge of the IVS movement. Here you can find the provisional programme.

Perfil per a les persones participants:

  • Experiència en voluntariat internacional, hagi fet un camp de treball, voluntariat de llarga durada o activisme local
  • Motivació i interès en el tema del projecte
  • Interès en aplicar els coneixements en un projecte pràctic: camp de treball internacional
  • Per participar a qualsevol seminari de l’SCI, només cal que et facis sòcia de l’entitat. La participació i el transport estan subvencionats per la Unió Europea.

Si esteu interessades en participar, ompliu aquest formulari i escriviu-nos a al més aviat possible!