SCI Àustria organitza el seminari “Be your country?!” del 3 al 9 de desembre en format virtual
Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte
We have the feeling that sometimes our understanding of culture is quite limited, static and oldfashioned: By “culture” and “cultural exchange” we often mean exchange of people from different nationalities – and we emphasize this by making jokes about national identities, asking participants to bring food from “their country”, talk about “their country”, etc. We usually don’t reflect that participants might have diverse approaches to how they feel about “their country”. We often lack an understanding for cultural nuances that go beyond nation states (class, race, gender, age, urban/rural, sexual orientation, subcultures, etc.).
About this seminar
With this seminar, we want to provide a space for youth workers and staff from volunteering organisations around Europe to critically reflect about their own practices of culturalization in non-formal education programs, energizers, support and training structures and free time activities. Some of the questions and topics we would like to explore include:
- What do we personally and our organisations mean when we say “culture”? What effect does this understanding of culture have on our participants?
- What is the role of national cultures in international youth projects – and how does this relate to nationalism, nationbuilding, pan-Europeanism and internationalism?
- How can we deconstruct and play with the definition of “culture” that our participants bring with them to our youth projects?
- What non-formal education methods can we share or create that have critical or constructive approaches to culture?
- How can we challenge existing cultures within our projects and our societies (e.g. patriarchy, heteronormativity, white supremacy, militarism) in order to create a culture of peace?
Online course
This seminar was supposed to take place physically in Austria, but due to a COVID-19 lockdown in Austria they are moving it online. The seminar will consist of daily 3 hours video calls from 13:30-17:00 CET (with 30 min break inbetween). There will be individual assignments to do between the sessions, which you can schedule individually.
Participant’s profile
The participants will be youth workers, trainers as well as staff, activists, camp coordinators and active volunteers from volunteerig organisations. All participants should meet the following criteria:
- Be 18 years old or older
- Be able to work in English
- Be interested in the seminar topics and have a strong motivation to act as a multiplier
- Able to attend for the full duration of the seminar
When: 3rd to 9th of December
Deadline to apply: Apply now!
Interested? Send an email to