Participa al seminari “Develop or Self-Develop” que tindrà lloc online del 12 al 14 i del 18 al 21 de març del 2021. Inscriu-te fins el 20 de gener!
Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte
Background of the seminar
Colonialism created the political and economic context, in which we live today: Some countries have accumulated resources and wealth over centuries, while other countries have been colonized, their resources exploited, their cultures destroyed and their people murdered, marginalized and structurally discriminated. Countries of the Global South are still today disadvantaged in their participation in the global economy and in international organisations – and people of color still face discrimination based on the concept of “race”, which was made up by the colonizers. In order to change the heritage of colonialism, we need to create global justice.
Some questions that we ask ourselves and that we would like to discuss in this seminar are:
• How can we as international volunteering organisations respond to colonial mindsets and motivations of volunteers and make them aware in an appropriate way about the power structures at hand?
• How can we work with ideas of “development” and “self-development” in a constructive way?
• How do we make volunteers active citizens around global justice rather than passive believers of colonial narratives of developing, helping and saving?
• How do we as critical volunteering NGOs relate to commercial organisations around us that do not critically prepare volunteers (“volontourism”) – should we compete with, ignore, collaborate with or train them?
Participant’s profile
• be 18 years old or older
• work with volunteer management or sending volunteering projects abroad
• be able to work in English
• be interested in the seminar topics (volunteering in a North-South context, colonialism, global justice) and have a strong motivation to act as a multiplier
• commit to implement the learned knowledge and skills in practice back home
• commit to actively participate from the beginning to the end of the seminar
We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, races and ethnic backgrounds to apply. The venue is wheelchair-accessible.
How to apply?
For more information, you can download the call here. Applications should be sent to before the 20th of January 2021.