The 18th of November was the first day of MIDI Seminar:
“Strengthening international volunteer organizations in the Mediterranean area taking into account the specificity of the region and the longstanding history of IVS organizations to work for peace.”
25 participants from 18 associations from differents countries (from Itlay, Greece, Morocco, Belgium, Tunisia, Palestine, Algeria, Jordania, France, Finland, Ireland, Syria) will work together for 1 week, hosted in El Masnou near Barcelona, in order to increase cooperation between countries from mediterreanean area and analyze the management of conflicts in MIDI context.
This is the first post, from the very first day, so for now we are just going to post some funny pictures from the participant's arrival and from the first activities of the seminar.
To know more about what is going on, keep in touch!
Photos by Laura Maso and Nicoletta Cartocci
El 18 de novembre va ser el primer dia del seminari MIDI :
“Strengthening international volunteer organizations in the Mediterranean area taking into account the specificity of the region and the longstanding history of IVS organizations to work for peace.”
25 participants de 18 associacions de diferents paisos (des d'Itàlia, Grècia, Marroc, Bèlgica, Tunisia, Palestina, Algèria, Jordània, França, Finlàandia, Irlanda o Siria) treballaran junts durants una setmana, allotjats al Masnou, prop de Barcelona, per tal de millorar la cooperacio entre aquests paisos de les dues ribes del mediterrani i analitzar la gestio de conflictes en el context del MIDI.
Aquest és el primer article, des del primer dia, aixi que per ara només posarem algunes fotos divertides de l'arribada dels participants i de les primeres activitats del seminari.
Per saber més sobre el que està passant, estem en contacte!
Fotos de Laura Maso i Nicoletta Cartocci