Participa al training ‘Empowering Youth Through Advocacy and Research’ a Macedònia del Nord

Participa al training ‘Empowering Youth Through Advocacy and Research’ a Macedònia del Nord

Aquest training té com a objectiu proporcionar habilitats a les joves per crear campanyes d’incidència política i planificar tours pedagògics a les seves comunitats. Serà a Berovo, Macedònia del Nord, del 25 de novembre al 2 de desembre.

Per participar dels trainings o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte.

Training course ‘Empowering Youth Through Advocacy and Research’
– Enhance the capacities of partner organisations in advocacy and campaigning.
– Train youth workers on effective research and advocacy methods.
– Develop skills in using educational walking tours as a tool for youth engagement.
– Contribute to the production of a policy paper advocating for youth work recognition.

What will you learn?
– Increased knowledge and expertise of staff members and workers on youth-led advocacy and social campaigning.
– Enhanced abilities to develop and carry out impactful advocacy and social media campaigning activities.
– An improved approach to engaging with local policymakers.
– Acquired knowledge on researching methodology,
– Participants will take part in developing the policy paper and conducting the requested local research tasks.
– Enhanced capacity to conduct research.

About STAR

The project aims to enhance collaboration among partner organizations from six countries (Italy, Spain, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Jordan) and strengthen the capacity of NGOs to deliver impactful youth programs through a more digital, inclusive, and sustainable approach while promoting youth engagement and values of inclusion using educational tours methodology. The second goal is to enhance the capacity of youth organizations in transnational collaboration and digital skills related to youth development, promote the methodology as a tool for youth development through an online campaign, produce 12 educational walking tours with 6 digitized and uploaded online, and create toolkits about educational walking tours and digital storytelling.

The project expects increased capacity of youth organizations in the transnational corporation, management skills, youth engagement, and digital skills related to youth development. More recognized role of young people in the local communities, and policy paper. Online campaign promoting the methodology as a youth development tool 12 Educational walking tours 6 will be digitized and uploaded to the online platform. Toolkits on Educational walking tours and digital storytelling will be produced.

Who is this training for?
To participate, you need to fulfil the following criteria:
– Interested in researching and advocacy;
– Be ideally between 18-35 years old;
– Be actively involved in one of the partners’ organisations;
– Be motivated to take part in international contexts/environments;
– Commit for the full duration of the training course;
– Have a good command of English as the training will be in English;
– Be ready to do some preparatory tasks (online questionnaire, bring some good examples or materials from your organisation on the topics of the training, online pre-departure meetings) and participate actively in the training.
– There will be an online preparatory meeting – date to be determined- to get to know the project better and the other participants.

If you are interested READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS and fill in the application form.

If you have any doubt please write to