Training: com podem aconseguir els ODS?

Training: com podem aconseguir els ODS?

SCI Madrid organitza un training per entendre, reflexionar i intercanviar idees per implementar l’Agenda 2030. Del 19 al 25 de febrer a Madrid.

Per participar dels trainings o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte.

About the Project
This training “Agenda 2030 : How can we achieve the SDG?” is a 7-day seminar that will take place in February in Madrid, Spain. The countries involved are Armenia, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Ukraine, Macedonia and Montenegro. It will be attended by 23 participants (including the coordinating team). At SCI Madrid, we are very much aware of the importance and magnitude the Agenda 2030 has and has to have from here to the next 8 years. We believe that as agents of change at a social level, we must join in generating dynamics of understanding and learning about these 17 concepts, to help achieve these goals in the next years, placing value on the importance of youth workers in building the future. The seminar will answer important questions such as; how can we help achieve the SDGs on our daily basis or on our organizations? What are the key factors to achieve the SDGs in the next 8 years? Is the Agenda 2030 well
disseminated and why? The lack of knowledge both on a theoretical level and when it comes to generating learning dynamics and even behavior on a daily basis, a situation that we see repeated both in our personal environments and in our professional environment on a medium and large scale, through our volunteering and youth projects, generates the need to find spaces to understand, reflect and to exchange effective ways of transmitting and implementing the Agenda 2030 .

Therefore, our aim is to raise awareness and deepen the understanding of the SDGs through innovative and appropriate educational and informational solutions for young people to understand the importance and urgency of the implementation of the Agenda 2030 on both a societal and personal level as well as it dissemination to the rest of the society. During the seminar we are going to use a broad variety of non-formal education methods, such as world café, snowball discussions, research, silent exhibition, theater, visual harvesting, arts, energizers, self-reflection, teambuilding games and more.

Our objectives
– Understand and deepen the meaning and implication of the 2030 Agenda, it’s 5 blocks and 17 goals.
– Assess the importance of the integration of the SDGs.
– To provide participants with the necessary methodology to integrate the SDGs into educational activity.
– Find appropriate ways and spaces to generate dynamics of ownership and leadership in the implementation and dissemination of the SDGs through behavioral dynamics, sustainable
consumption, inclusive language, empathy, generation of debates, etc.
– Provide young workers with basic training on the 2030 Agenda so that we all understand the context and the commitment that we must generate with the issues addressed.
– Develop approaches on how to deal with the challenges.
– Raise awareness of ways in which to generate 2030-focused behavior among young people and during youth work.
– Create ways to support young people in developing attitudes, behaviors and commitment.
– Learn about two local organizations in Madrid that are already addressing the issue.
– Learn from the experiences of others: best and worst practices.
– Create an annex to the “Free to be you and me” toolkit and disseminate it.

Participant’s profile
The project aims to gather 21 participants (up to 1-2 per partner organization). The participants will be youth workers, trainers as well as staff, activists, camp coordinators and active volunteers from volunteering organizations. The seminar is open for all genders. All participants selected for this project should meet the following criteria:
– be vaccinated against Covid 19 or recovered
– be 18 years old or older
– be able to work in English
– be interested in the seminar topics and have a strong motivation to act as a multiplier
– Able to attend for the full duration of the seminar
– be committed to spreading their new skills and competences to their sending branches, e.g. via a workshop or a camp coordinator training
– If somehow possible and feasible, be committed to come to the seminar without flying, and to travel instead by overland route.

If you need more information, READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS.

When: 19-25 February 2023
Where: Madrid, Spain
Deadline to apply: 4th of December
Interested? Send an email to now!