Training on Human Rights, Advocacy & Awareness Raising!

Training on Human Rights, Advocacy & Awareness Raising!

4 – 10 May 2015, hosted by JAVVA, Belgium

Yes, we are citizens!

The rights of migrant people, refugees and IVS" is a training where we want to gather activists and local volunteers involved in the thematics of human rights, and especially regarding the topic of migrant people, refugees and the right to citizenship, from the very diverse countries in Europe; and go through a training process in which we will acquire: understanding of the situation of human rights in Europe; exchange of experiences and knowledge from experts and every participant; skills for activism and awareness raising; experience in organising awareness raising activities.

The training is based on the idea that every person (as recognised in the Universal Charter of Human Rights) has the right to a decent life, regardless of the place s/he is living, regardless of the place s/he was born. That every person is entitled to the right of citizenship, participation and basic rights, and that only admitting and promoting this fact will real sustainable societies, democratic societies be built.

We are willing to contribute to this process by training, exchanging and raising awareness with young activists/volunteers from all over Europe and link this to the International Voluntary Service movement.

The aim of the training is also that participants will be empowered to organise awareness raising actions in their countries when they go back, so that the multiplying effect will make that actions on human rights related to migrations, refugees and the right to move will happen and generate debates all over Europe and the world after the training.

Here you are the call with more information!

If you are interested, please send us an e-mail to: before the 1st of March!