Participa a un training sobre cultura de la pau i no-violència del 19 al 25 de maig a Suïssa!
Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte
About the project
With the “Peace for Change, Change for Peace” project, we are ready to share our expertise with you, support you in becoming a changemaker, and gain competences essential for building a peaceful and nonviolent world. Behind the title ‘Peace with the Others”, this international training is part of this project that will last through 2022.
‘Peace with the Others’ training course
During this training participants will:
- deepen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature)
- dive into peace education principle – to learn about and to learn for peace,
- learn how to live peace and act for peace through small-scale actions that can be done even without big resources,
- get equipped with peace-related tools and methods you can later use in your work and everyday life,
- be offered space for the safe exchange of good practices, of inspiration, of sharing resources and ideas,
- plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion.
Participants profile
The project is intended for the following types of participants:
- Activists, enthusiasts and volunteers willing to learn more about peace and peace education and apply it in their actions,
- Youth workers with a strong interest in the topic of peace and its appliance in their work with young people,
- Trainers, facilitators and educators on the topic of peace and peacebuilding.
If you need more information, READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS.
When: 19th – 25th of May
Interested? Send an email to now!