Training of trainers for camp leaders

Training of trainers for camp leaders

El training se centrarà en millorar les habilitats de les formadores, especialment les relacionades amb temes de gènere, justícia climàtica i descolonització. Del 2 al 9 d’octubre a l’Ametlla del Vallès.

L’SCI Catalunya ofereix un training que té com a objectiu millorar les habilitats de les formadores de coordinadores de camps. Tractarem les habilitats que s’han de tenir per coordinar un camp, parant especial atenció en les que estan relacionades amb temes de gènere, justícia climàtica i descolonització.

– Improved understanding of the role of trainers/facilitators in camp leader trainings;
– Exchange of current camp leader training experiences in the participating organizations;
– 20 potential trainers will get the confidence and skills to run quality camp leader trainings at home and in an international context (regional camp leader trainings);
– Good knowledge of the available camp leader training materials with a special focus onbmaterials related to the topics of gender, climate justice and decolonization.

Methodological approach

All participants will be expected and encouraged to contribute to the activities and discussions. The interactions will be horizontal and learner-centered to create a transformative facilitation style and sharing space. Especially in this training role plays, simulations and interactive methods will be used to involve the participants fully and to re-create a workcamp learning atmosphere. Please see the draft programme attached.

Profile of the participants

– Be ideally between 18-35 years old;
– Having coordinated a workcamp; be actively involved in training of local camp leaders or having participated in the regional camp leader training;
– Be motivated to train future camp leaders in your own organization in 2023;
– Commit for the full duration of the training course;
– Have a good command of English as the training will be in English;
– Be ready to do some preparatory tasks (online questionnaire, bring some good examples or materials from your organization on the topics of the training) and participate actively in the training.

Background of the training course

This training course is organized in the framework of the Erasmus+ project Grassroots change:
Volunteering, leadership and emancipation through hands-on work and mentoring which is coordinated by SCI Catalonia in cooperation with the following project partners: Zimbabwe Workcamps Associatioon (ZWA), Voluntary Workcamps Association of Nigeria (VWAN), Associacao de Jovens Voluntarios ( AJOV Mozambique), South Africa Volunteer Work Association (SAVWA), SCI International, SCI Italy and KVT Finland.

If you need more information READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS

When: 2-9 October
Where: Can Xammar, Ametlla del Vallès
How to apply: send an email to as soon as possible