[URGENT] Busquem coordinador/a per un camp amb persones amb paràlisi cerebral!

[URGENT] Busquem coordinador/a per un camp amb persones amb paràlisi cerebral!
Del 7 al 13 d'agost tindrà lloc a Capmany (Girona) el camp de voluntariat amb la Fundació Catalana per la Paràlisi Cerebral, on les voluntàries internacionals donaran suport al dia a dia de persones afectades per la paràlisi cerebral
Ser coordinador/a d'un camp de voluntariat
Si ja has participat d'un camp de treball i vols viure una nova experiència intercultural ara en pots coordinar un! Pots participar d'algun dels camps que organitzem al territori (Catalunya, País Valencià o Illes Balears) assumint la figura de coordinador/a d'un grup de voluntaris i voluntàries d'arreu del món.

Només cal que tinguis experiència en camps de voluntariat, bon nivell d'anglès i ganes de participar-hi! Les tasques de la persona coordinadora són les de vetllar per la bona comunicació entre el grup i l'entitat promotora, la gestió del temps i l'espai de treball i les estones de lleure, tot facilitant l'autogestió del grup i el bon funcionament del camp. La persona coordinadora és una voluntària més, i per tant, s'espera que tot el grup doni suport en aquesta coordinació.

En concret, necessitem una persona per coordinar el camp "Living together with Cerebral Palsy". A continuació trobaràs la descripció del projecte:

Description: This workcamp is a great opportunity for volunteers to understand how exactly is life with cerebral palsy (CP) while celebrating the common points rather than the difference. Participants will be working directly with CP affected people, helping them on the day-to-day basic tasks. Through leisure and educational activities, tourism and sports, all the workcamp members (with our without CP) will improve their physical, emotional and social competences.

Type of Work: Volunteers' tasks involve helping the organization's workers deal with the everyday tasks of CP affected people. Participants will support basic tasks like personal hygiene and meal times and also help organize and develop leisure activities – these can involve sports, leisure (also water) and educational activities and some outings to interesting places around. Disabled and non disabled participants will share all the available spaces: bedrooms, showers, dining room, etc.

Study Theme: Volunteers will have the chance to learn about cerebral palsy and what it is like to live with this condition and also how their families and organizations deal with it. They will develop their knowledge about what they are capable and not capable of and how to develop their skills and make their life as enjoyable as possible. On the first day, there will be a training for the volunteers that will cover most aspects about CP that they should know for this workcamp.

Accommodation: The rooms will be shared with the disabled participants. Food will be provided by the house staff because of the intense type of work.

Language: During all activities, there will be someone translating the main aspects into English. However, the common used language between participants will be Spanish, so it would be highly recommended if volunteers had the basic knowledge.

Requirements: It’s necessary to send us a certificate of sexual nature crimes that provides evidence of the lack of sexual crimes. Please don't forget to bring a sleeping bag, a white t-shirt and something to eat typical of your country that you can share with others.

Approximate Location: Girona

Si estàs interessat/ada pots escriure un correu electrònic amb el teu CV i carta de motivació a incoming@sci-cat.org