[URGENT] Seminari a Berlín sobre construcció de pau: “Peace & Solidarity: Make it – Don’t Break It!”

[URGENT] Seminari a Berlín sobre construcció de pau: “Peace & Solidarity: Make it – Don’t Break It!”

El seminari tindrà lloc del 17 al 24 de Gener a Berlin i abordarà la situació de conflicte i violències del món actual

* Per participar dels seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

The on-going conflict in Ukraine, the rapid deterioration in the relations between the EU and Russia, increasing militarization & random violence, re-appearance of "enemy images", continuing "frozen conflicts", rising right-wing nationalism & hate speech, social injustice & exclusion or the growing gap between rich and poor, discrimination of minorities, threats to democracy and civil society from oligarchy etc. are all a cause for great concern. Finding solutions to all these complicated challenges cannot be left only to politicians alone – we need active citizens from all nations & societies to stand up and struggle for peaceful development, an end to violence and the establishment of preconditions necessary to create opportunities for all young people to realise their potential & aspirations. 

The seminar is part of a bigger project which will be implemented in three stages:
a) An opening thematic seminar in January 2016 in Berlin, Germany: "Peace and Solidarity – Make It, Don't Break It"
b) Implementation of a series of actions/activities conceived & developed at the opening seminar (March-Sept.)
c) "Trade Fair" in Poznan (Poland) in late Autumn 2016. Presentation & evaluation of the activities, new ideas for extending & enhancing the future quality of cooperation
Aims and objectives
The main objectives of this project are:
– To gather together active staff & volunteers of the international voluntary service movement;
– Identify and determine the main challenges & obstacles to be addressed, as well as the particular problems & needs of the voluntary organizations & civil society actors active in the region;
– Elaborate together non-violent & alternative and/or complimentary grass-root solutions to those traditionally practiced by governments or else propagated in mainstream media;
– Develop new, innovative projects in the voluntary service sector to promote real peace, sustainable development, social inclusion, active citizenship etc., as well as cross-border cooperation;
– Support concrete actions in solidarity with the victims of war & violence & those suffering from discrimination & social exclusion.
 Specific issues that will also be addressed:
– Local ownership & international solidarity;
– Workcamps and long-term volunteering as major tools for HR & Peace work;
– Peace education and raising awareness – the project aims at strengthening civil society by means of increased cooperation within the different segments of the local communities.
The aim of this seminar is to bring together a group of 27 active volunteers & staff from 21 organizations from Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Belarus, Georgia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine & Moldova in order to exchange ideas and experiences on the main topics as well as to further educate, train & empower each other with methods how to plan, organise and implement initiatives dedicated to peace.
Besides that, the training will also provide the opportunity to exchange views on current challenges which organizations face in their peace work, exchange competences and get new inspiration to work together as a network of likeminded peace activists.
Concept of the project
The program of the event will be divided into the following main elements:
Peace concept and No More War – creating common understanding
Peace activism – best/worst practices; aims/targets and challenges in peace work today
Open space workshops – the role of media; propaganda; exchanging of competences and input of external experts
Peace initiatives design – how to set up a successful action
Team building
– Project visit(s)
All participants will be expected and stimulated to contribute to the discussions on the main topics. They will all be asked to present their own examples of peace work in their own country. After the opening event the promoters are expected to organize events in their home country to promote peace.
Recruitment & Selection of participants
All participants selected for this project are expected to meet the following criteria:
·         be 18 years old or older
·         be able to work in English language
·         be interested in the training topics and have strong motivation to act as multiplier in the field of promoting peace work;
·         have experience in organizing actions, initiatives and project on the topic of peace;
·         be directly involved in the work or have nomination and support (and if possible have been prepared for the project) of the eligible SCI branch or Partner organisation;
·         commit to implement the learned knowledge and skills in practice back home and implement the a piece action developed during the seminar;
·         commit to report thoroughly the content of the project to other activists of sending organisation;
·         commit to actively participate

Financial conditions of participation:
All essential costs of the programme in Berlin (including food, accommodation, and training) will be covered by SCI-D.
International travel costs will be reimbursed 100% up to the following maximums:
Belgium, Germany, Poland: 180 €
Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belarus, Kosovo, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova: 275 €
Georgia, Russian Federation: 360 €
The registration fee is 50 €.

Si hi esteu interessades, cal que ens envieu un correu explicant la vostra motivació i experiència i també el vostre CV. Ho podeu fer en anglès o català. El correu de contacte és voluntariat@sci-cat.org. Per participar cal ser sòcia i comprometre's a participar en un mínim de dos de les tres activitats d'aquest projecte (1 i 2 o 2 i 3). Data límit: 12 de desembre.