URGENT! Voluntariat Europeu a la Città dell Utopia a Roma!

URGENT! Voluntariat Europeu a la Città dell Utopia a Roma!

Un EVS és una oportunitat única de realitzar un voluntariat a un altre país on descobrir la seva cultura, aprendre la llengua i conèixer a fons un nou projecte. El voluntariat està totalment subvencionat per la Comissió Europea; inclou els vols, el transport intern, l'allotjament i manutenció, l'assegurança i diners de butxaca. L'SCI Catalunya som l'organització d'enviament de persones residents als països catalans o a l'estat espanyol. Cal tenir entre 18-30 anys!Period: 1st of January 2016 – 31st August  (exact dates to be confirmed)
N vols: 1
Location: Rome, La Citta dell Utopia (“Utopia City”)
Project language: English and Italian
Local language: Italian
Pocket money: 300 euro (for food, transport expenses, pocket money)
Accommodation: Double room in a flat with other volunteers
Deadline for applications to be sent to the sending organization: 11th September 2016
The selected volunteer will be notified by the end of September 2016.
SCI-Italy will follow its equal opportunities policy when selecting a volunteer.
Short description of the project
The project will take place at “Utopia City”, a project of SCI-Italy in Rome, which can be defined as a social and cultural laboratory working for a new model of  local and global development: balanced, sustainable and fair. It will involve three volunteers with different tasks to be implemented in La Città dell'Utopia and in SCI Italy National Secretariat. This call is related to the volunteer that will carry out the activities in “Utopia City”.
The project originates from a reflection on the social consequences of the current economic crisis, affecting  – to various extent – all the European countries, Italy included. The crisis is seen as generating high rates of youth unemployment and increasingly common phenomena situations of social exclusion and even deviance. The project, acknowledging volunteering as a tool to generate human and social capital and a key factor for improving social cohesion, will actively involve the EVS volunteers in the SCI-Italy’s activities (volunteering projects, raising awareness events) for the social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities.
The project is meant as a learning process for the EVS volunteers – which will be acknowledged in the Youthpass certificate – and the methods of non-formal education will be applied to ensure the process.
The Service Civil International aims at developing solidarity and promoting tolerance between people, encouraging and supporting participation of youngsters in voluntary activities, both inside and outside the European Union.
For this reason, SCI organizes activities and campaigns for the promotion of peace, international solidarity and mutual understanding; besides workcamps and long term voluntary projects. Activities organized by SCI, both at the international and local level, are coordinated by the National Secretary of SCI, which headquarter is located in Roma (via Cruto 43, Municipality Roma XV).  The area is well linked to the city center and to other areas through public transportation (metro and buses).
The National Secretariat represents the reference point for SCI activities, but also for activists and volunteers who promote philosophy and projects of the Association.
Volunteers will develop their program with the supervision and follow up of SCI Staff.
The SCI-Italy “Utopia City” project started in 2001 and is located in San Paolo district (via Valeriano 3F – Roma) in the southern part of Rome. It’s a popular suburban area inhabited by a large number of elderly people, where also the number of families coming from Latin America, northeast Europe, Asia and Africa, is raising. During the last years the number of cultural local organizations whom SCI-Italy volunteers and activists cooperate with  is increasing.
The main activities carried out in La Città dell’Utopia are the following:
– organization and hosting of international workcamps, north/south exchanges and international youth meetings;
-events to raise awareness on other cultures and countries,
– organizing conferences, meetings, festival, exhibitions, video, theatre, thematic meals; courses (free or popular cost) of music, group dancing, tai chi, African percussion, belly dance, languages, ceramics, gardening, alphabetisation of informatics, theatre; workshops on sustainable life styles, such as recycling, composting, reduction in consumptions and renewable sources of energy, garbage recycling; promotion of participative forms of active citizenship. For more information: www.lacittadellutopia.it
Objectives of the proposed EVS project:
– to involve European volunteers in the promotion of international voluntarism as a practice of active citizenship, intercultural education and personal and social growth;
– to spread news about the initiatives organized in Italy in order to promote the exchange and the intercultural respect, and to arouse interest in youngsters in actions which stimulate international solidarity;
– to give to volunteers the chance of actively participate in the implementation and development of a specific project, which constitutes an opportunity of individual growth;
– to strengthen, throughout team work and confrontation, the mutual comprehension between youngsters of different Countries.
Volunteers will be involved in the following activities:
The volunteer will be involved in the following activities, mainly at “Utopia City” in collaboration with another EVS volunteer that will start his service in September 2016:
a) supporting the coordination of the work of local and international volunteers (groups and individuals) in order to ensure the running of the planned schedule; 
b) helping in the elaboration and the organization of public cultural events and workshops on active citizenship, especially regarding the communication, logistic and operational levels;
c) implementing the international dimension through the coordination of international exchanges, work camps, seminars;
In the proper dynamic of the project it is important that the voluntary manages to find the possibility to develop a personal activity following the lines of the project and of the organization. In order to enable the volunteers to implement their personal projects, a permanent support will be proposed in order the realize his ideas and project within the “the Utopia City”.
The volunteers should have a good attitude and will to work in touch with people.
Who are we looking for:
Reliable, communicative and very motivated volunteers. It's very important that each volunteer is used to working in a team, that he/she is sociable, has a sense of humour, is flexible in different situations (e.g.: to propose/invent some additional activities in a time when there won't be any other specific activities on the agenda and prepared to give an extra hand in a period full of current activities.).
To apply we ask you to send:
–       your CV
–       motivation letter (explaining the reasons why you would like to be a volunteer in this specific project)
To apply please send  cv and motivation letter in English to: longterm@sci-cat.org until 11th September
Looking forward to hearing from you!