Aquest estiu, viu els camps!

Aquest estiu, viu els camps!

Et presentem els camps de treball que tindran lloc a Catalunya i arreu del món aquest estiu. No perdis l’oportunitat de participar en un projecte de voluntariat transformador!

Hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat transformador de curta durada durant tot l’any, però a l’estiu es multipliquen les opcions. Tot i que no hi ha una data límit d’inscripció als camps de treball, és a partir d’aquest moment que la base de dades de projectes comença a omplir-se d’oportunitats. Enguany, recuperem completament la normalitat després de la pandèmia i podràs viure l’experiència d’un camp de treball arreu del món i també al territori.  No t’ho perdis, aquest estiu, #ViuElsCamps!

Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots pots consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.

*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure-t’hi pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquíNo en tens prou? Vine a una xerrada informativa sobre els camps de treball!



GERMANY : Jazz Festival (22nd – 31st May)

Description: Moers festival is a music festival which exists for 52 years and represents all kinds of music that aren´t mainstream. Besides concerts on different stages, you can find panels and discussions about political and cultural topics and there are happenings everywhere around the city of Moers. A festival market where jewelery, clothes, food and drinks are sold can be found in the parc and you can also camp on the festival site
Type of Work: We need help before, during and after the festival. During the days before the festival starts, we have to build the stages, finish and install the decoration, hang up signs and posters and prepare the festival site. After the festival everything has to be dismantled and stored and the festival site has to be tidied. During the festival the participants are going to help controlling the entrances and emergency exits, assist preparing the backstage areas, help with catering and support the artists, do errands and patrols, play minor roles in videos and the stream and sell merchandise.

blankCROATIA : Solidarity in community and coexistence of wildeness and civilization. (26th May – 10th june)

Description: This project is about the coexistence of wilderness and civilization, which aims at reactivating traditional local knowledge and different sustainable practices in the sense of moba. During this ESC volunteering team, the main (mostly physical) activities will be around restoring historical water sources for wild animals.
Type of Work: The volunteers will be involved in physical activities, a creative workshop on felting, a short introduction to permaculture, and researching local flora, fauna, and cultural heritage. Activities will be mostly outside around the renovation of a water pool in the forest, i.e. connected with digging, besides repair work, planting of medicinal herbs and garden work.

blankNORTHERN IRELAND: Glebe House, County down (29th May – 8th June)

Description: Glebe House is a residential and Day activity centre, owned by Harmony Community Trust, near Strangford in Northern Ireland. Since 1975 Harmony Community Trust has been practically and tenaciously working for a fair, inclusive society that respects and cherishes each person’s humanity, dignity, aspirations, ideas and needs. One where each person can determine and re-create their own identity, rather than conform to sectarian, national, ethnic or social stereotypes, myths or stigmas.
Type of Work: The volunteers will be tidying and cleaning up the centre, helping to set up and run stalls and prepare activities for the Glebe House Annual Open Day; they will then help to clean up and put things away. There will also be some work on the Community Garden. Local volunteers will assist with all the activities.

blankSWITZERLAND: Mountain Hiking Trails (6th – 17th June)

Description: Salecina is located at the border of Upper Engadin and Bergell in one of the most beautiful landscapes. It is a self-administered holiday centre with an uncomplicated and open atmosphere. The guests cook, clean and do their own things. The house is available to young and old travelling alone, as families or groups eager for education or engaged in social issues.
Type of Work: The work will involve mainly cleaning and maintenance of hiking trails. We will work with light hand tools, shovel and pick. One part of the work will also be to remove the advanced vegetation on the trails with trimmers and air fans. In case of bad weather with heavy rainfall we will repair and maintain signalation material (stakes, laths, signs) in a dry depot. There might also be some painting work.

blankSPAIN: Casa Samuel (15th – 30th June)

Description:  Caritas Salamanca has a safe house for people with HIV, where it also offers to cover basic needs and the ability to start a process of personal recovery that allows achieving the maximum possible degree of autonomy. Participation as a volunteer is performed in the guesthouse for AIDS so the possibility of living a volunteer experience in a social project is offered, approaching a concrete reality of exclusion, of some HIV-positive persons.
Type of Work: Accompanying the residents: from everyday living in the guesthouse, to city walks or performing various steps. Participate and encourage the various activities of leisure time that are developed from the House, encouraging everyone and helping those having greater difficulties. Collaborate on hygiene of the less valid for the development of their daily activities. Collaborate in the maintenance and cleaning of the guesthouse.

blankFINLAND: Local traditions with international skills at folk music festival (26th June – 7th July)

Description: Rääkkylä Kihaus is one of Finland’s most important annual international folk music events. Under the name Kihaus, the event has been organized annually in July since 1991. Previously, the event was known as Heinähupa, which started in 1970.
Type of Work: The main task of the camp is first to practice a common repertoire to perform at the festival. There will be several performances during the festival. Ideally, volunteers will form also a bigger orchestra with the local musician members and rehearse a small repertoire for the festival with them. In addition, there will be light physical tasks related to the background arrangements of the festival.

blankFRANCE: Let’s rebuild a french forteress (8th – 22th July )

Description: The association “Les Amis du Fort de Jouy” is working on the renovation of the military fort at Jouy-sous-les-Côtes. The fort is located in the East of France, not far from Nancy, Verdun and Metz, and its objective was to protect France against possible German attacks in the 19th centuries. Since 2002, the association has been working on its development: visits are organized for tourists and it is also often used for cultural and artistic events.
Type of Work: The tasks will be very different from day to day: you may be asked to renovate walls, paint doors, create mortar and replace stones in a wall. But you could also show the fortress to tourists. We are therefore counting on you to take turns and ensure that everyone has fun! Activities, workshops and visits are organized in the evening and on weekends.

blankBELGIUM: Enhancing integration and cultural sharing with asylum seekers at the Rixensart Center (9th – 29th July)

Description: The Centre for asylum seekers in Rixensart is an open centre for people who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Its main tasks are to feed, accommodate and provide social and medical aid to asylum-seekers. The asylum seekers stay in the centre during the first stage of the procedure (4 months at least). The aim of the workcamp is to encourage intercultural meeting between the volunteers and the residents of the center, and to offer leisure activities to the residents.
Type of Work: The volunteers will propose activities for the residents of the centre (children, teenagers and adults): creative workshops, pastry workshops, choir, environmental awareness and healthy eating, vegetable garden, swimming pool, outdoor games, sports, visits… Volunteers can propose activities related to their preferences, skills or in which they feel comfortable.

blankPORTUGAL: Castro of the three rivers (10th – 21st July)

Description: Castro dos Três Rios is located in Parada de Gonta (Tondela, Viseu), in Beira Alta Region, Center of Portugal. The project aims to carry out a detailed study of the archaeological site, with a view to clarifying fundamental questions, such as the definition of its chronological features, and the way in which its occupation evolved in historical transition moments. With regard to the archaeological site configuration, the project aims to identify the limits of the ancient settlement, as well as housing structures, with a view to reconstituting its architectural plan.
Type of Work: At the archaeological site, the group of volunteers will be divided in two teams, each being responsible for excavating an area of 16m2. Always accompanied and guided by the director archaeologist and his monitors, each team will carry out, with scientific rigor, all stages of field work, namely, excavation, field records system, treatment and study of the data obtained.

blankGERMANY: Live big in a tiny house (15th July – 4th August)

Description: Build a Tiny House together with other volunteers and learn more about minimalist lifestyles. The Tiny House will later be used as an information mobile on sustainable housing and renewable energy. At the end of the work camp, the participants may have acquired some skills to plan their own Tiny House. The individual building steps will be explained and put into practise.
Type of Work: Under expert guidance, the house walls are manufactured and installed, windows and doors are built-in and the roof construction is built. The wooden post-and-beam walls are insulated and covered with wood on the inside and outside. Other work on the grounds of the “Climate Park” visitor centre: woodwork, painting, gardening and other maintenance work.

blankBELGIUM: Esperanz’ah ! Music Festival (22nd july – 4th august)

Description: The ‘Esperanzah!’ festival is a world music festival whose aim is to promote openness, exchange, encounter and cultural mixing. For 4 days, artists from all over the world and associations working for a fairer world are present at the Floreffe Abbey. The Esperanzah! team also wishes to demonstrate that it is possible to organize a large-scale event while respecting the environment and working with small local producers.
Type of Work: The volunteers will help with the assembly and dismantling of the festival structures The Esperanzah! team consists of 10 people. There will be also 7 volunteer coordinators joining them in the week preceding the festival. One of these coordinators will be leading the SCI volunteers. The “decoration” team might ask volunteers for help if needed. The SCI volunteers will join a larger team of around 100 volunteers.

blankPORTUGAL: Seeds of winsdow (9th – 20th August)

Description: The project presents itself as a community of diverse practices capable of creating a proactive synergy between Azes Valboenses and Amakura, together with informal partnerships. General objectives Promote the cultural valorisation of local ecosystems; Allow participants to develop citizenship skills while actively contributing to the rehabilitation of important elements of cultural and environmental heritage.
Type of Work: 1) Camping Renovation The campsite already exists but lacks tables and benches as well as support equipment, so participants will build it, reusing materials and using sustainable construction techniques. 2) Construction of proposal for dry toilet A support toilet is missing for the path, which will be designed and presented by Amakura Association for the construction and maintenance of the existing ones. 3) Construction of walls with sustainable technique.

blankNETHERLANDS: Fairytale Castle Becomes Cultural Space (13th – 27th August)

Description: Emmaus Communities around the world enable people to move on from homelessness, providing work and a home in a supportive, family environment. Companions, as residents are known, work full time collecting, renovating and reselling donated furniture. This work supports the community financially and enables residents to develop skills, rebuild their self-respect and help others in greater need.
Type of Work: The work will include picking up second hand goods together with the Emmaus residents, sorting them and placing them in the shop. Also, the volunteers will help with gardening and other maintenance work on the grounds of the community and help in the kitchen as well. At the end of the project the volunteers will help with the set-up and dismantling of the festival and they will also organize a fashion show in which they will present some of the second-hand clothes that are for sale.

blankGERMANY: Life in the German-Polish children’s city (15th – 29th August)

Description:  The children’s city is a vacation offer for children between 7 and 14 years. Children from the German/Polish city of Görlitz/Zgorcelec (Germany/Poland) can come closer together during the two weeks. They can take on the roles of adults and decide what should happen in their city. In the city,, they work in different professions and live together. The aim of the project is to create an understanding of how people live together and an interest in other cultures, and to develop this new social competence.
Type of Work:  The task of the SCI volunteers is to support the children and young people at their workplaces and to help with the leisure activities, for example in the theater, bakery, hospital, café or cosmetics store. There is also supporting work for the Children’s City, such as setting up and taking down the tents and booths.

blankUK: The budhist Tara International Kadamp Retreat centre – preparing for a noational Dharma Celebration (1st – 15th September)

Description: Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre is set in the beautiful grounds of Ashe Hall. The year round programme of residential and non-residential courses and events is open to all and caters for every level of experience from basic meditation classes to in-depth courses and retreats.
Type of Work: You will help prepare for the national Dharma celebration (a Buddhist Festival) at a Buddhist meditation centre in the heart of England, Derbyshire. We are expecting in the region of 350 attendees for the festival. We will need help setting up chairs inside the marquees, dormitories and accommodation, cooking and cleaning.

blankPORTUGAL: Restoring and protecting rivers (4th – 15th September)

Description: The workcamp aims to promote environmental education and reflect on the problems of garbage, waste, the cycle of the materials and sustainable growth, through the initiative to strengthen the sustainability of a slope of the Mondego River.
Type of Work: During the Workcamp participants will perform the following tasks: Reinforce a slope section using “Natural Engineering”; Remove all dry plants, garbage and existing rubble on the bank; Digging and removing improperly accumulated sediments; Rebuild 2 slopes by placing wood, trees and plants (according to technical guidelines).


blankMONGOLIA: Eco farm planting (25th may – 7th June)

Description:  Since 2000 we have had volunteers around the world joining our summer programs which were designed around building sustainable vegetable farming facilities. We are hoping to transform our eco-friendly vegetable farming facility into a sustainable organic farming training center that teaches low-income families how to grow healthy greens on their own.
Type of Work: The main works are planting vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc at the eco-farming camp. Also, volunteers may work on making fences to protect the farm, etc. Quite tiring but let’s enjoy it.

blankSOUTH AFRICA: Youth awerness month (16th -30th June)

Description:  Youth Awareness Month includes Sports and Cultural activities, providing a platform to recognize the role Youth Play in South Africa society.
Type of Work: This is an exciting project as volunteers have opportunity to work with different communities and interact with children after school. The camp will require volunteers to be involved in different activities such as building up learning activities which will be used when the volunteers will meet the children from 8am to 4pm daily activities. The work camp will require volunteers to be involved in various sports and cultural activities and as well creating and using objects which will be used when the volunteers will meet the children from 1pm to 5pm daily activities.

blankJAPAN: Shirakami (17th – 26th June)

Description:SMPS aims to preserve the natural beauty of the Shirakami Mountains by nurturing seedlings of beech trees, planting them, training mountain guide, etc. SMPS hosts tree-planting ceremony every June for preserving and promoting the value of it. They also preserve the forests near the Mutsu-bay, famous as production of scallops. Due to climate change, the sea water temperature increased abnormally and the most of scallops were dead.
Type of Work: Volunteers will do various types of nature conservation works such as 1) Maintain beech nursery and organization of tool shed and 2) Helping the tree planting ceremonies(twice) including preparation such as carrying the plants and tools, organizing event, and cleanup after the event. The contents of work might be changed due to weather condition, so volunteers need to be flexible

blankINDIA: Community Life at Suberdan (1st – 7th July)

Description: Sunderbans it’s a village community development center where a school is run by Human Wave (an NGO) also some community development activities are initiated around the area on health, education, cultural skill building and social awareness generations. Human Wave is working there for last 20 years mainly focusing promotion of education, community development, health and environmental awareness.
Type of Work: Building guard wall around primary school, Planting trees & Heightening school play ground. & Camp; women milk cooperative, bio fencing, campus cleaning, visiting rural life and schools and interaction with school students & local youth, etc. To Generate awareness for Promotion of Bio-farming, vermin-culture farms, temple visits vermin-culture farms, temple visits & Camp;

blankTOGO: The floor is yours: Debate and argue (1st July – 16th July)

Description: In a community, there may be disagreements between members, but everyone has the right to have their own ideas and to confront them with those of others. It is not a confrontation, but a discussion where everyone can express themselves freely. Debate allows children to be introduced to kindness, reflection, sharing, respect and trust. A slam workshop will also be offered to children. Expressing oneself in public, structuring one’s thoughts and words, defending one’s point of view and listening to others are important qualities for life in a community.
Type of Work: Learning the rules of debate and public speaking; Participation in a slam workshop Researching topics that directly affect children and learning to structure arguments; Creating a framework for intercultural exchange, which benefits volunteers, students and children Building a lectern Opening of registration lists for interested parties (secondary school students); Preparation of the training modules and training schedule; Evaluation and delivery of certificates to participants.


SOUTH AFRICA: Sports development program (3rd – 17th July)

Description: Empowering young people in Sports development skills and intensive work camp project with hands on initiative, addressing issues on Gender using sports methodology.
Type of Work: The Sports Development Programme will require volunteers to be involved in different sports activities such as learning simple sports and games activities. Volunteers will interact and teach children sports and artistic activities they have. Volunteers will be able to interact with the community also.

blankKENYA: Community Health Eductation (3rd – 23rd July)

Description: Kiburanga association initiated activities to increase the knowledge and practice of personal health (child education) as part of the community development plan. The volunteers will be asked to engage in these activities, by running small workshops and classes in schools and the community at large. Precondition will be to establish a good relation to the community members and the women to address different issues with the children on environmental health and personal hyghiene.
Type of Work: The main activities will be Raising Awareness on the basic health issuess, Organizing children activities, To plan a workshop on Mobile clinic treatment, Home visits and cultural exchange with community members.

blankSRI LANKA: Blue Rose School and Village (21st – 30th July)

Description:  Blue Rose school is a long-term project of SCI Sri Lanka for students with learning disabilities. The governing body of the school has started a new project to create a village for them so that they can live as a community. The school was started in 1982 and there are about 60 students currently.
Type of Work: Manual work to clear the land which was recently donated to create Blue Rose Village. Volunteers will be engaged in clearing the land and working on securing the fence and planting trees. We will also get engaged in some construction work.

blankTOGO: Cultural and artisitic immersion (29th July – 17th Agost)

Description:  The “Cultural and Artistic Immersion” camp is a crossroads of cultural expression and popular education. Every summer, many international and local volunteers are welcomed to this international workcamp in order to discover the richness of Togolese culture in all its diversity. For three weeks, the festival offers several cultural and artistic activities in a popular education approach. The theme of this year’s camp is to promote gender equality and gender issues in the local context.
Type of Work: Percussion, dance and singing courses to the rhythms of the Djembe and other traditional instruments for international volunteers; Casting of folk and traditional groups for the climax show; Batik workshops: learning and designing souvenir cloths; Basket making workshops; Organisation of a live concert and exhibition on the second weekend of the work camp; Caravan to raise awareness of the volunteers on the theme of the workcamp with signs; Organisation and programming of the folklore and traditional groups’ show.

blankTURKEY : Disability free camp (8th – 15th August)

Description: SEKADER is a local NGO that aims to socialize the disabled in the region with water sports and disability camps. It has been operating since 2010.They created a camp ground where they teach people with disabilities to swim, canoe and dive.To date, they have realized 3 different European projects supported by the EU.
Type of Work:  Participants with physical disabilities (T or L level disabled) will be able to practice their camping skills and water sports activities and participate in volunteer work to paint the walls and fences of this camp site. Disabled participants may come with an accompanying person.

blankJAPAN: Maki and Tateya (25th – 31st August)

Description: Family workcamp! A cooperative community where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, people who are tired of city life, who want to learn farming, who want to live in the nature, etc. Maki is located in a very isolated area (not accessible for cars and we have to walk 4 km in the mountains!), so it once became an abandon village in 1970s and then, was revived by Kyodo Gakusha.
Type of Work: Volunteers will help their organic farm by weeding in the rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken and also renovate the trails and the traditional house, help their house works such as cooking, washing, carrying the stuffs from the down village. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.

blankTHAILAND: Katree Village rice planting (1st – 14th September)

Description: Katree is a strong Muslim community from Satun province, Southern Thailand. With DaLaa, we use to work with the youths from Katree seed club, welcome them in our work camp both in Thailand and abroad. This time will be the first time that we will organize work camp in Katree village. During September is the season of rice planting, the volunteers will learn and work together with local people for rice planting process.
Type of Work: To work on rice field, (Planting rice), Organizing activities with kids on the weekend, Learning the local life of this village.

blankTURKEY: East-West Camp (28th July – 3rd August)
Description: As one of GHD s program, East-West Camp is organizing one week project consisting informal and non-formal education for socially and economically disadvantaged youth to empower them. We try to give the equal opportunities to low income youth to participate for learning by doing. This year we will give the priority to the youth from the earthquake area.
Type of Work:  Organizing, running and leading activities for the university students.


També pots fer un camp de treball al territori! Si tens qualsevol dubte pots escriure’ns a