Solidarités Jeunesses cerca voluntàries EVS a França per a tres associacions a partir del 15 de març!
Solidarités Jeunesses és un moviment nacional d’educació no formal, format per 8 organitzacions al voltant de França situades en llocs rurals. Tots ells promouen la construcció i el manteniment de la pau mitjançant connexions socials interculturals i internacionals a França i a l’estranger. Tot això es fa, especialment, a través de la vida col·lectiva, l’educació no formal i els camps de treball.
Les associacions són:
- Sem & Vol: 3 volunteers as ESC volunteering for 12 months from 15th of March
- Le Fai – Villages des Jeunes: 1 ESC Volunteering for 9 months from 15th of March
- VirVolt: 1 ESC Volunteering for 12 months from 15th of March
We host LONG TERM volunteers from everywhere (Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, Oceania) in each delegation, we also receive short term volunteers, and french volunteers, local people and youngster with fewer opportunities etc and the global project is the same in each delegation:
- The project having as main goal to give opportunities to volunteers to discover social diversity, intercultural experience, collective manual work and rural life in france.
- The volunteers participate in the renovation works of our place, through construction and gardening activities.
- The volunteers are also involded into the animation of the local life. They will participate, create and animate a lot of cultural, social, and environmental activities in our center and also outside for the local people or the groupe we are hosting. They also collaborate with the local organisations (schools, social and cultural center, old’s people home etc) according to their interests. The volunteers also have the opportunity to participate in the international workcamps as facilitator during the summer or all the time when we host groups.
- All our projects takes place in rural area and the volunteers are hosted together in the mission place, they share the rooms, the meals, and all the dealy activities (housework, cleaning, shopping, maintenance of the hourse..)