Country: Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Start Date: 16 feb 2017
End Date: 26 feb 2017
Description: MotherLand WorkCamp was thought in order to let you know deeply the situation in Palestine. We want you to feel involved in the project and, on the other hand, it is also very important to us that you get to know our occupied territory and our side of the 100 years old conflict. For that reason, we suggest you work 5 days (3 of farming and 2 of social work with children) in the Jordan Valley, and 2 other days to tour around the West Bank. We will spend some nights together and some nights with local families, because we believe a strong cultural experience will improve your time here.
Type of Work: In the Jordan Valley village where the camp is going to happen, there is a piece of land that was previously threatened by the jewish settlers living near by, so the people planted over 100 olive trees so that they cannot take over the land. The mission was successful and now we need your help to improve the conditions on the field.
After 3 days working with the local farmers, we want you to share some experiences with the local children. So we arranged some activities in the local school to give them an unique experience!
And because we really want you to be busy, most days we will finish with some recreative adventurous activities to explore the area! Ready for all this?
Accommodation: The volunteers will spend some nights in a community room, some nights with local families, and one night in a rooftop hostel in Jerusalem! Sleeping bag needed!
Language: The local language is arabic.
Approximate Location: Furush Beit Dajan, Nablus – Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine.
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