L'SCI d'Hongria busca una persona creativa i proactiva per Open Doors, un projecte d'inclusió social de refugiades a través del disseny social i la comunicació audiovisual.
Útilapu Hálózat – SCI Hungary, BudapestDates: July, 2018 – July, 2019
About the project: Open Doors working group provides program for the unaccompanied minor refugees and asylum seekers arriving to Hungary by the tools of visual communication, community architecture and social design. The main goal of the project is to support the successful integration of young refugees, as well as raising awareness of their Hungarian peers using art and design as a tool to bridge cultural differences. Volunteers implementing the project have been working with the target group since January 2013 through activities organized on a weekly basis, complemented by intensive workshops, public events and international summer voluntary camps.

EVS volunteer will be involved in the general activities of Útilapu as well but mostly in the activities of Open Doors working group. She will participate in “support the social inclusion by art” process: communicating with minor refugees and asylum seekers in the Childcare Centre where they live (Fót, Hungary) and in the organization venues.