Vols fer un voluntariat de llarga durada a Escòcia?

Vols fer un voluntariat de llarga durada a Escòcia?
IVS Gran Bretanya està buscant voluntàries de llarga durada per al projecte Simeon Care for the Elderly pel 2017. La durada del projecte és de 12 mesos, començant al febrer, març, juny o agost. T'hi animes? Contacta'ns, les places s'acaben aviat!
El voluntariat de llarga durada de l'SCI és una possibilitat per estar a l'estranger d'1 a 12 mesos, treballant en un projecte de cooperació amb la branca de l'SCI i/o una contrapart afí al país d'acollida. El programa LTV (Long Term Volunteering) és una oportunitat per conèixer un país i la seva gent d'una manera diferent. És una possibilitat de recolzar un projecte local realitzant un servei de voluntariat i, al mateix temps, estar en contacte amb persones d'altres cultures. 

Project description: Simeon Care provides a home, care and companionship to 17 elderly frail people. We live together as a loving, caring family and help to make the last years of life rich, joyful and rewarding, both for those of us who care and those of us who are cared for. Ours is a unique model of old age care. We are part of the Camphill movement and the first care home of its kind in the world. Our wish is that others are inspired by our approach to create homes for ageing people that bring peace, happiness and fulfillment.

Purpose of Role: To live and work in the community providing personal care and support to older residents, sharing all activities of daily living, joining in the care and upkeep of the house and garden.

Project language: English

Length of service: Due to the training in care required for their volunteers, Simeon Care prefer that volunteers come to the project for one year, unless the volunteer has particularly relevant previous experience in nursing or care. Starting February, March, June, August.

Please see more information on the LTV database.

Si t'interessa, escriu-nos a longterm@sci-cat.org el més aviat possible, les places volen!