Voluntariat de curta i llarga durada a l’Àfrica

Voluntariat de curta i llarga durada a l’Àfrica
Coneix els projectes i les possibilitats de voluntariat que proposen les organitzacions locals de la zona del continent africà. Vine a informar-te el 18 de maig a La Vaqueria!
A l'SCI no només tenim camps a Europa, sinó que tenim projectes a tot el món. En concret, en aquesta xerrada volem posar el focus en la zona d l'Àfrica, on tenim partners molt actius que proposen camps de voluntariat i projectes de llarga durada durant tot l'any. Volem donar a conèixer aquests projectes i les opcions de participar-hi.

*Per participar en aquests camps has de tenir més de 20 anys i alguna experiència en voluntariat internacional. Si estàs interessat/ada en algun camp en aquesta zona, envia un correu amb la teva carta de motivació a outgoing@sci-cat.org.

Xerrada: "Voluntariat a l'Àfrica"

Com viatjar-hi en clau de voluntariat?

Farem una introducció del context de la zona i explicarem els projectes locals que acullen camps de voluntariat i experiències de llarga durada. La xerrada tindrà lloc a La Vaqueria de l'SCI 

Inscriu-te a través d'aquest formulari!

18 de maig a les 18:30h

A La Vaqueria de l'SCI (c/ Carme 95. Baixos 2a)

Aquí pots consultar alguns dels projectes que hi ha ara mateix:

Camps de voluntariat: cerca el teu filtrant pel tema i la zona geogràfica!

HIV/AIDS Awareness Through Sports in ZANZIBAR ISLANDS
Del 30 de maig al 17 de juny a les illes Zanzibar
The project takes place in West district in the Urban West Region in south west of Zanzibar Tanzania. The international volunteers will work with the youth population of Zanzibar island, using sports as a tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Kiburanga Community Work- Making A difference
Del 2 al 22 de juliol
Kiburanga Community Based Organisation is an indigenous non-political membership organization which is non-sectarian and non-profit making started in 2007 as a work camp organization registered under the societies act. In 2007 it was registered as a community based organization.Through the volunteers support and that of other like-minded development organizations, we can mobilize human material resources to enhance active participation of those recipients to development policies to significantly address the problems that hinder human and environmental friendly development approaches so that we sustain our collective efforts to eradicate poverty. Kiburanga promotes voluntary services in one of the most remote and inaccessible parts of Kenya, Kuria, with high povert and low education.

Peace building & Conflict Transformation in TZ, KE & UG
Del 14 de juliol al 9 d'agost a Tanzània, Kènia i Uganda
This is the project of 4 weeks rotating within three Eastern African Countries (Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda). The caravan route will start from Tanzania moving to Kenya and finally Uganda. Based on the four components of the program (Orientation, Community services, cultural exchange, Development/global education) participants of this project will participate in a number of activities related to peace Building and conflict transformation in the three East African States. Tanzania: 14th to 22nd July, Kenya: 23rd July to 31st July and Uganda: 1st to 9th August.

Environmental conservasion, Mangrove trees Planting and Teaching Foreign Languages in ZANZIBAR ISLANDS.
Del 22 d'agost al 9 de setembre a  a les illes Zanzibar
This project is organized to support the local environment management committees. Among many activities, the volunteers will be involved in: • Raising awareness on environmental issues • Collecting mangrove seeds • Tree planting (depending on the weather) • Spice farming. At the afternoon, volunteers will participate in various foreign languages classes that expected to empower local youth and women to carry on economic activities, hence improving their standard of living when they have foreign language skills.