Coneix els projectes i les possibilitats de voluntariat que proposen les organitzacions locals de la zona del sud de la mediterrània. Vine a informar-te el 27 d'abril a La Fede!
*Per participar en aquests camps has de tenir més de 20 anys i alguna experiència en voluntariat internacional. Si estàs interessat/ada en algun camp en aquesta zona, envia un correu amb la teva carta de motivació a
Xerrada: "Voluntariat a Palestina i Jordània
Com viatjar-hi en clau de voluntariat?
Farem una introducció del context de la zona i explicarem els projectes locals que acullen camps de voluntariat i experiències de llarga durada. La xerrada tindrà lloc a La Fede
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27 d'abril a les 18:30h
A La Fede (c/Tàpies 1-3)
Aquí pots consultar alguns dels projectes que hi ha ara mateix:
Camps de voluntariat: cerca el teu filtrant pel tema i la zona geogràfica!
Apricot and Apple Harvest. What you plant, you or/and others will harvest
Del 20 al 30 de juny a Palestina
The Tent of Nations project seeks to bring people of various cultures together to build bridges of understanding, reconciliation, and peace. The long-term goal of The Tent of Nations is to prepare people to make positive contributions to their future and society through the values of understanding, tolerance, and respectful coexistence.
Slow Food for Positive Change
De l'11 al 22 d'agost Palestina
On this workcamp, participants will work in the field of agriculture in order to support young farmers. The work is divided by several villages near the city of Jenine in the north of the West Bank of Palestine. This project is part of the Slow Food movement: a global, grassroots organization, founded in 1989.
Doing graffiti art with children in the local Arab community of Shefa’amr
Del 17 al 29 de juliol a la Palestina del 48
Baladna – Association for Arab Youth is an organisation devoted to Palestinian youth citizens of Israel. Baladna runs extra-curricular programmes and projects strengthening youth understanding and participation with civil society, as well as supporting Arab and Palestinian identities.
De l'1 al 14 d'agost a Jordània
This workcamp in Jordan would suit those who are believing in social tourism, passionate about social entrepreneurship, willing to make cross-cultural exchange with other cultures, willing to interact and to provide an example for another person, willing to help responsible tourism to grow and flourish in tough areas, in poverty pocket area in order for other to be able to enhance their socio-economic life.