Coneix els projectes i les possibilitats de voluntariat que proposen les organitzacions locals del continent asiàtic. Vine a informar-te el 13 d'abril i el 25 de maig!
*Per participar en aquests camps has de tenir més de 20 anys i alguna experiència en voluntariat internacional. Si estàs interessat/ada en algun camp en aquesta zona, envia un correu amb la teva carta de motivació a
Xerrada: "Voluntariat a l'Àsia"
Com viatjar-hi en clau de voluntariat?
Farem una introducció del context de la zona i explicarem els projectes locals que acullen camps de voluntariat i experiències de llarga durada. Totes les xerrades seran a La Vaqueria de l'SCI (c/del Carme, 95. Baixos 2a)
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13 d'abril a les 18:30h
Focus en el sud-est asiàtic
Cambodja, Tailàndia, Vietnam, Indonèsia i Malàisia
25 de maig a les 18:30h
Focus en el centre d'Àsia
Índia, Nepal i Sri Lanka
Aquí pots consultar alguns dels projectes que hi ha ara mateix:
Camps de voluntariat: cerca el teu filtrant pel tema i la zona geogràfica!
Del 6 al 18 d'abril
Bhaktapur is one of the most affeted area in nepal by 25 april's earthquake 2015. Most of the houses are damage. Nearly 1000 people passed away and thousand and thousand of people were injured. The work for volunteers will consist on painting and cleaning the school area and to help with children programs and work on the earthquake camps.
"Butterfllies" a Sri Lanka
Del 23 de juliol a l'1 d'agost
The Blue Rose is a day School & Training Centre for the mentally disabled children in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The school was established in 1981 with a one student and a teacher. The work would be doing various kinds of activities with Blue Rose Children while helping in renovating and cleaning tasks at the Blue Rose School. The work can be changed depending on the weather condition.
Free school Project a l'Índia
De l'1 al 10 d'agost
The volunteers will engage in Teaching children, within the Building of free school, Painting the school building walls, participating in drawing on the walls with children who are learning arts there. Cleaning the area and interacting with children and local community and participating in meal preparation. Meditation sessions and mindfulness activities will be scheduled at different times on each day.
Kok Riang vegetable garden a Tailàndia
Del 10 al 23 de maig
Lung Jaeng, a local decided few years ago to start a non chemical garden on a former rice-field. He has a strong social network and have long experience organizing activities with students and volunteers for forest preservation or other social benefits actions. Short term volunteers will join the daily life of the volunteer team and help with whatever is needed in the garden, following the Thai rhythm way of life.
Tay-Nung Culture Summer Camp al Vietnam
Del 27 de juny al 10 de juliol
During 2 weeks, international volunteers will live with Tay and Nung ethnic people and experience their daily activities. Simultaneously, volunteers will help prepare and organize two 3-days summer camps for Vietnamese young people at the village.
Indramayu Youth Empowerment Project a Indonèsia
Del 5 al 18 d'agost
Volunteer will work with local volunteers to arrange creative way to deliver information about sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence, and cultural exchange. Volunteer also will stay with local people to feel the atmosphere of fisherman and farmers way of life and playing with the kids as well.
Education and Agriculture a Cambodja
Del 18 al 20 de setembre (aquest camp es fa també en altres dates, pots consultar el cercador)
CYA – Learning Center is now also providing the computer course for the teenagers and one library is now accessing free by CYA-learning Center students and children around the community. Teaching children English, arts, and computer to local children and teenagers – Organizing hygiene and sanitation classes Physical Work: – Constructing trash bin for community – Building house and toilet for local family, and Helping local family doing income generation activities – Working on income generation project – Doing farming with local people – Preparing weekend market for selling products – Promoting local products and weekend market to the public