Fes un voluntariat europeu amb SCI Itàlia!

Fes un voluntariat europeu amb SCI Itàlia!

SCI Itàlia està buscant una persona per fer el seu voluntariat ESC/EVS durant un any, començant el 31 de gener, a Roma. Inscriu-t’hi ja!

SCI Itàlia és la branca italiana del Servei Civil Internacional, un moviment internacional de voluntariat present en més de 80 països arreu del món. Fa gairebé 100 anys que l’SCI promou projectes de voluntariat internacional sobre temes relacionats amb la pau, el desarmament, els drets humans, estils de vida sostenibles i l’activisme. La base de l’organització és la de canviar situacions de desigualtats, injustícia i violacions de drets humans.

Project activities:

  • Support the management of volunteers participating to social inclusion programmes and to long term and ESC programmes
  • Support the management of the activities related to a project about Remembrance and Nationalist Propaganda
  • Support the organization and the realization of public events related to volunteering and active citizenship
  • Support the dissemination of SCI Italia’s activities and campaign
  • Take part to SCI Italia’s trainings for workcamp coordinators and for volunteers
  • Keep relationship with volunteers and collect infos and materials about their experience

Profile of volunteer:

  • Have good command of English
  • Have basic command of Italian (preferable)
  • Be able to work in a team
  • Have good communication skills and motivation to cooperate with colleagues and SCI Italia’s activists
  • Have good educational and social skills, to be able to work with several target groups
  • Motivated to learn and share knowledge and skills
  • Have good computer skills (Ubuntu or Microsoft Office, email, internet)
  • Have a responsible attitude and take initiative towards her/his tasks
  • Have administrative and organizational skills
  • Open mind and flexible attitude towards working hours, especially between May-July
  • Have a good level of adaptability to basic leaving and working conditions

La Città dell’Utopia, double shared room in a flat with other international volunteers (up to four more)

Application procedure:
Send as soon as you can your CV and motivation letter in English to evs@sci-italia.it. Your motivation letter should answer the following questions:

  •  Why did you choose SCI Italia and this particular project?
  • What do you expect to learn and experience during your EVS?
  •  What can you bring to the work of SCI Italia?

Pots trobar tota la informació del projecte aquí.