Nou seminari sobre “Raising Peace” a Hongria! Participa-hi!

Nou seminari sobre “Raising Peace” a Hongria! Participa-hi!

Vols ser activista pels drets humans? El seminari "(Your) Peace and Human Rights Projects from the youth Perspective" et vol donar les eines per fer-ho! El projecte tindrà lloc del 15 al 22 de setembre a Holloko, Hongria. Per participar has d'inscriure't abans del 5 d'agost!

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

One of the goals of the Raising Peace Campaign is to increase the action on Human Rights within the IVS movement. Among other actions to reach such goal, the Campaign empowers IVS activists to become HR and peace actors, proposing and implementing their own (collective) iniciatives. The proposal of this training was raised after the 2015 experience, when many activists proposed interesting activities/projects/tools after the Peace Action Weeks, but were needing support to develop such ideas and initiatives. The training "Our Rights, Our Voices now!": Peace building Projects from the youth Perspective will be an empowering experience for young activists involved (or willing to be) in Human Rights action, who are at their learning stage and need some support to develop their ideas into transformative actions. It is expected that participants will leave the training with a project proposal (and a draft grant application) that the Raising Peace Campaign and their sending
organisation can support in implementing. 

To empower 8-12 human rights and peace initiatives coming from young activists developed after Peace Action Weeks, giving at the same time competences to these leaders to keep developing youth human rights projects in the future. These will be the seeds for a more plural and decentralised RPC for the next years.

To empower young HR activists with skills, knowledge and necessary competences to design good quality projects on Human Rights and Peace. To help young people iniciatives to become future HR&Peace quality projects. To feed the future Raising Peace Campaign with the initiatives of young activitists from IVS organisations To have fruitful debates and learning about HR&P projects between young people from all over Europe.

18 Young activists at their organisations with some experience in Human Rights and Peace actions, especially participants in former Raising Peace actions who want to develop their ideas into strategic projects. 3 experienced trainers will support with their experience, sharing methodologies and supporting the collective knowledge; and will monitor the development of participants' project proposals.

> 16 participants places will have to be for participants currently residing in Council of Europe Countries (please find the list here:;
> And 2 places are reserved for participants coming from non Council of Europe countires and other regions (Africa, Asia, America);
> The financial regulations from the EYF state that participants should be aged from 18- 30 years of age. If you are over this age range please still apply as there are options available.

Si estàs interessat/ada en participar, pots fer l'aplicació a través d'aquest enllaç abans del 5 d'agost!!