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Primavera verda – Degrowth workshop
28 maig, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm CEST
Des de Justícia Climàtica, el grup d’activisme ecologista de l’SCI Catalunya, organitzem un any més la Primavera Verda amb la intenció de fomentar una visió crítica sobre com funciona la nostra societat a escala global i local, i plantejar reptes i alternatives per viure en un món sostenible i més just amb el nostre entorn natural i social.
Tindrem un taller sobre decreixement amb el col·lectiu Degrowth in action, una xerrada sobre clima i Palestina amb Nijme Berdugo, activista anti-colonial, i un cinefòrum de la pel·lícula ‘Food for profit’ amb Justícia Climàtica. Totes les sessions seran a La Vaqueria de l’SCI (Carrer del Carme, 95, baixos 2a, Bcn) i seran en anglès.
Tuesday 21st i 28th of May | 18-21h
Degrowth workshop
The workshop will explore deeper root causes of the ecological breakdown, colonial and capitalist patterns of our growth based system and degrowth future visions. The workshop will focus on degrowth, ecological breakdown and radical utopias. Participants will: expand their understanding of the deeper root causes that lie beneath ecological breakdown; learn to identify capitalist and colonial patterns of our growth-based system and how their groups may reproduce them through narratives and actions; and become familiar with degrowth visions and develop skills of imagining radical utopias.
The workshop will be facilitated in English by two members of Degrowth in Action Timo (he/him) and Alex (she/her), and combines degrowth theory with embodied methods of critical pedagogies (such as theatre of the oppressed). Through this combination the workshop aims to create not only a deeper theoretical understanding of degrowth and radical utopian futures but also create embodied understanding beyond cognitive dimensions.
This workshop will be in charge of Degrowth in Action, a Barcelona-based collective.
It is a two part workshop split over two Tuesday evenings, 21st & 28th of May from 18h to 21h. It is planned for you to come both days. If you want to participate, sign up now here – only 20 spots available! To confirm your inscription you have to pay a symbolic amount of 10 € (if you have SCI-CAT membership it’s free). They can be refunded if you participate in the entire workshop. Please, make your payment here.