URGENT: Participa a un intercanvi juvenil a Jordània!

URGENT: Participa a un intercanvi juvenil a Jordània!

El projecte tindrà lloc del 30 d'Octubre al 6 de Novembre a la Vall del Jordà, a 40 minuts d'Amman, i està tot subvencionat a excepció del 30% del cost del vol.

Though the Arab world has a large population of youth, they are suffering from several oppressive factors which include unemployment, lack of democratic empowerment, marginalization, as well as high level of regional violence due to the unresolved central regional Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Arab Spring. Such situation is said to allow the growth of several extreme entities that may advocate, engaging in, prepare, or support violent extremism. It is essential to have projects that provide a space for the community in general, youth and other potential vulnerable community members to discuss and reflect about their issues and to have the chance to question their surroundings and media, taking into consideration the provision of proper support from stakeholders.
This YE is to bring youth from different partner countries together and let them 'experience' how it is to exclude 'the others' and how oppressed 'the others' will feel and how 'the others' may react against this opression. During the YE, participants will 'experience' how prejudices and stereotypes may govern their behaviour and create 'the scary others' without really understanding 'the others'. During the YE, the participants will better understand the phenomenon when they go extreme, they will create 'the other' extreme. Human rights and combating violent extremism are the basis of our YE which aims at providing knowledge, skills and attitudes of EuroMed youth.  

1. To promote the understanding and acceptance among EuroMed youth and to act against xenophobia/ extremism
2. Valorize the holistic approach on Human Rights Education;
3. Experience the methodology “The Others” and developed the understanding regarding Human Rights.
4. To encourage mutual cultural understanding, to fight against anger based on stereotypes, to promote active citizenship and involvement in the development of youth policies.  

Partner Organisations:   
1. Egypt – Foundation for Youth and Development
2. Portugal – Rato – Associação para a Divulgação Cultural e Científica
3. Spain Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya (SCI)
4. Jordan (Host) – I-Dare for Sustainable Development      
Funded: By Euromed youth IV Programme through the ministry of political development and parliamentarian affairs.  
Accommodation     This project will be hosted by I-Dare for Sustainable Development www.i-dare.org. The venue of the project will be in the Jordan valley; Shouneh Al-Janobyeh. It is part of the Jordan valley area or what is called (Ghour) which is the lowest point in earth. Inhabitants grows citrus and bananas. It is close to the Dead Sea and 40 minuted from Amman.

More information

Application: If you are interested send an email to: suds@sci-cat.org with your cv + motivation letter