L’Eco-camp a Oujda (Marroc), dins el projecte Youth Green Deal, es centrarà a donar valor al voluntariat eco i sostenible del 2 al 12 de setembre. Participa-hi!
Youth Green Deal is a partly European funded project aiming at building the capacity of youth organisations promoting eco-volunteering in the Mediterranean area. The youth exchange in Oujda, Morocco will bring together a group of 20 young people (18-30 years old) from 4 different countries (Catalonia, Belgium, Palestine and Morocco). Together they will support the local community and learn from each other. You can also check out more about Youth Green Deal on Instagram or Facebook.
You have the opportunity to participate in the following project:
This eco-camp is organised in collaboration with the SCI partner organisation EVO (Espace Volontariat Oujda) who works together with several local organisations to promote more sustainable development of the region. The volunteers will have the opportunity to discover the local reality of Oujda and the neighbouring villages and get involved with the local community especially the pupils, parents and teachers of the Yahya Gourari School and the users of the Nsar social center.
In the morning, volunteers will do activities with teachers, students and their parents at school:
– to green the school area so there will be some gardening, recycling, ….
– to create awareness on environmental issues such as saving natural resources (water and electricity), sorting waste,…
In the afternoon the volunteers will be collaborating with the Nsar socio-cultural and sports center where they will be invited to lead workshops, games and awareness-raising activities to foster eco-citizenship.
The exact tasks might change a bit since the planning was done months ago and the activities will be adapted to the current needs of the community.
Dates: 2nd -12th September
Where: Oujda, Morocco
Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in the social center where basic facilities are foreseen.
Travel: This project is partly funded by Erasmus+ and therefore some travel reimbursement is foreseen. For Catalan participants travel will be reimbursed with a maximum of 275 Euro. You can travel to Oujda, Nador or to Melilla and from there EVO will arrange transport for you.
Extra fee: as mentioned this camp is partly funded and therefore some extra fee applies. This money will be used to cover the extra expenses of the camp or to make the participation of Moroccan and Palestinian participants possible. The extra fee is 200 Euro (150€ if you have already taken part in SCI activities and are already a member of SCI).
Preparation: interested volunteers will have an interview with an SCI worker and before leaving it is foreseen to have a one day preparation session with the Catalan group.
How to apply: fill in this online application form and someone from SCI will contact you to follow-up on your application. If you want more information, you can also write to voluntariat@scicat.org