[URGENT]: Participa a un intercanvi juvenil al Kurdistan turc!

[URGENT]: Participa a un intercanvi juvenil al Kurdistan turc!

CANVI DE DATES! "Humor in Different Cultures" és el nom de l'intercanvi cultural entre joves de diferents països que tindrà lloc a Diyarbakir del 24 de novembre al 2 de desembre. Cerquem un grup de 4 voluntàries! T'animes?

Una mica d'informació:

Participants: 4 (Ages between 18-30 but there is no age limit for the group leader)
Project Venue: Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Accommodation: Group will stay in the guest house of Youth and Change Association.

You can find more details in our facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/diyarbakirguesthouse/?fref=ts

Food: Breakfasts will be provided in the guest house and lunch will be in a nice restaurant. Some of the dinners will be in the restaurant and some of them will be in the guest house (national dinners and drinks). 
Costs: Through the funding of Erasmus+ we will be able to cover all costs during the stay. 
Travel Expenses: We have budget according to Erasmus + distance calculator rules. For the participants from Germany, Latvia and Italy maximum travel cost for one participant is: 270 € 
For the participants from Catalunya maximum travel cost for one participant is: 400 € 
For the participants from Portugal maximum travel cost for one participant is: 620 €

Arriving of the participants in Diyarbakir
Registration and Resting
Getting to Know Each Other
Welcome Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Official Welcome by Hosting Organization:
Getting To Know Each Other:
Rules & Principles:
Team Building Activities:
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & Cultural Evening (Diyarbakir):

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Prejudices and Stereotypes:
The Past, Current and Future of Humor:
Which Kind of Humor?
Aphorisms of the Day:
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & Italian Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Different Types of Humor:
Different Types of Humor (Practice):
Discovering Diyarbakir:
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & Finnish Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Humor’s Relation with Politic/Social/Economic Life (Workshops):
Presentation of the Workshops:
Humor and Social Media
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & German Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Erasmus and ‘The Praise of Folly’:
Humor and Youth Projects:
Making Our Ideas More Visible:
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & Portuguese Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Most Common ‘Non-Formal Methods’
The Role of Humor in ‘Visibility and Dissemination’
Erasmus + and KA1
My Project and KA1
Project Exhibition
Family Group Meetings (Evaluation of the day):
Dinner & Latvian Evening

Joke of the Day: Creative and Funny Energizers
Find Your Partner & Future Action Plan
Visibility and Dissemination of Our Project
Youthpass and Final Evaluation
Farewell Evening

Departure of the participants

Si tens experiència en voluntariat i/o activisme internacional, no dubtis en participar-hi! Escriu-nos a nordsud@sci-cat.org amb la teva carta de motivació.