L’SCI Internacional cerca voluntària per donar suport al projecte Peace in practice!

L’SCI Internacional cerca voluntària per donar suport al projecte Peace in practice!

El projecte tindrà lloc de mitjans d’abril a mitjans de desembre a la seu del secretariat de l’SCI a Antwerp, Bèlgica. Inscriu-t’hi abans del 20 de març!

Pots consultar la informació sobre el programa de European Solidarityu Corps, entra aquí. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts.

SCI has been organising international volunteering projects for 100 years internationally, organising short term voluntary projects (workcamps) as well as mid-term and long-term volunteering exchanges. SCI’s vision is a world of peace; social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict. SCI’s mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact. The volunteers work will support this mission.

The volunteer will be supporting the implementation of a 1-year project in SCI called “Peace in Practice: supporting young people to become peace envoys” and its main output: an online course on peace education, that is planned to be launched in December 2020.

Placement Tasks:
The volunteer will work with the Project Officer in managing the project, its activities and outputs. Tasks will include (with some flexibility based on interest):

Support with developing the online course (40%)
● Collecting feedback from the participants of the Peace in Practice on the concept and planned modules of the online course during and after the training;
● Taking part in 2 working laboratories with the project team (June and October in Belgium);
● Co-creating the visual design of the online course;
● Helping the pedagogical project team integrate the content into the online learning platform;
● Preparing the testing phase of the online course and engaging young people into it.

Project communication and management (40%)
● Collecting and producing content (articles, updates, other relevant material & resources) for the project website and SCI’s social media platforms;
● Following up the organisation of local actions carried out by participants of the Peace in Practice training course;
● Cooperating with the campaign and communication volunteers for visibility and promotion of the actions for peace;
● Compiling resources, materials and impressions from SCI branches and participants from activities;
● Supporting practical organisation of the project activities together with the team (logistics, communication with participants, preparing materials, etc.);
● Helping with reporting, visibility and follow-up of the events.

Other (20 %)
● Responding inquiries from potential volunteers through info email;
● Joining Office meetings;
● Sharing some small general office tasks.

Who are we looking for?
A candidate aged between 18 -30 who has:
● An interest in the topics of peace education, human rights, solidarity, volunteering, intercultural dialogue, and who is eager to contribute to SCI’s mission of promoting a culture of peace;
● An interest in learning how to develop an online course;
● An interest in supporting young people implement Actions for peace;
● An interest in managing projects with European funding;
● Looking to build/improve cooperation in a team (also working remotely);
● Good English language skills (spoken and written);
● An interest to work in a dynamic, international office;
● Good organization skills and an eye for detail;
● Is eligible to join the European Solidarity Corps – volunteering activity.

Si estàs interessat/ada pots descarregar-te la convocatòria completa aquí, i enviar el teu CV i carta de motivació en anglès abans del 20 de març a longterm@scicat.org