“Diaspora – Seminar for Global and Human Right Education” és el nom de la formació que tindrà lloc del 14 al 19 d’octubre a Fernao Serro – Seixal, Portugal. Consulta la informació i inscriu-t’hi abans del 6 de setembre!
Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte
About the project
“”Diaspora – Seminar for Global and Human Right Education” is a seminar in the framework of Erasmus+ Youth in action programme that will take place between October 13th (arrival) and 20th (departure) 2019 in Fernao Ferro – Seixal (Portugal) to reflext and promote the creation of tools in the field of Global Citizenship Education aiming local communities mainly youth for the inclusion of young migrants and refugees through activities and projects in the field og Global Education.
The objectives of the seminar are the following:
- Identify and analyze the topics in the field of Global Education and euromediterranean region with focus on migratory processes in this region;
- Discuss and identify strategies to approach Global Education with different groups of youngsters in the euromediterranean region;
- Create activities, partnership models and/or future applications ofr Erasmus+ Youth in action programme as a follow-up of the concepts and results of the seminar with a focus on migratory processes in the euromediterranean region.
Profile of the participants
From each partner will come 2 participants and the profile of the participants expected in the project is the following:
- Youth worker with experience with international projects and has a deep knowledge of the organization and the social context in which it works;
- A young active volunteer of the organization or active youngster in your community that has a close contact with the reality of young migrants and refugees.
Si estàs interessat/ada en participar d’aquest seminari escriu-nos a voluntariat@scicat.org amb el teu CV i carta de motivació i omple aquest formulari abans del 6 de setembre.