Descobreix els camps de treball per famílies!

Descobreix els camps de treball per famílies!

Els camps de treball en família permeten la participació d’infants i joves menors de 16 anys que vulguin ser part d’un voluntariat transformador

Els camps de treball no només són per joves o adults sinó que també n’hi ha que donen cabuda a famílies. En aquests camps, infants i joves menors de 16 anys poden participar-hi acompanyats de les seves tutores legals. Per trobar-los, només cal que posis el filtre “camps que accepten infants” a l’apartat d’opcions del buscador de camps d’SCI Internacional.

La quota de participació en un camp és de 150€ que inclouen els 100€ en despeses de gestió, formació prèvia i assegurança i els 50 € de la quota anual de sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya.  Aquí tens tots els passos a seguir per inscriure’t a un camp de treball. Abans de participar en qualsevol camp de treball és obligatori anar a alguna de les formacions prèvies. Enguany són els dies 27 i 28 de maig a Calafell i l’1 i 2 de juliol a Clariana de Cardaner.

Important: el camp no tindrà cap cost per les persones menors de 16 anys, que tampoc hauran de participar de la formació de voluntàries.

Aquests són alguns dels camps disponibles per a menors però pots consultar-ne més al buscador de camps d’SCI Internacional:

SOUTH AFRICA: Sports development program (03th – 17th July)

: Empowering young people in Sports development skills and intensive work camp project with hands on initiative, addressing issues on Gender using sports methodology.

Type of Work: 
The Sports Development Programme will require volunteers to be involved in different sports activities such as learning simple sports and games activities. Volunteers will interact and teach children sports and artistic activities they have. Volunteers will be able to interact with the community also.

GERMANY: Where People and Farm Animals Live in Harmony (09th – 23th July)

Description:  Building paddock trails, getting muscles, looking after animals. By feeding the animals and observing them, knowledge and skills in dealing with different species of animals are learned. In doing so, the visitors should develop respect towards these living beings. The animals are carefully accustomed to the encounter with the people and deployed within their possibilities and abilities.

Type of Work: Building a new horse paddock trail, making holes for the fence poles, setting fences, attaching cables, sawing trees, laying panels; everything to make the horses feel good all around. Taking care of the animals (chickens, sheep, dogs, horses, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs) and support in organic gardening.

GERMANY: Lake, Hills and Environment (19th July – 02th september)

  You will assist in the maintenance of a nature reserve while enjoying the magnificent view of Lake Constance. This area is the habitat of rare and endangered species. It must be maintained regularly in order to preserve the biodiversity and to avoid overgrowth of bushes and trees. Join other volunteers in ensuring that flower loving insects will still find a wide range of these essential field flowers.

Type of Work: 
Working under the supervision of experts in a slope area: clearing the area by cutting bushes, removing dried wood and branches in a slope area and building a path.

SWITZERLAND : Mountain Farm Loasa Cooperative (23th – 29th July)

Äijälä Home is a community which aim is to support its clients in their everyday life and life management. The community works with organic gardening and it has a charming old farmhouse that has been renovated to host disabled people for daily visits and during the holidays.

Type of Work:
In the first week, the camp will be for disabled people, and in the second week for children. Together with campers volunteers will learn about nature, traditions, and the English language through arts and crafts, play, and games. There will also be some gardening work.

FINLAND: Friendships across social boarders (23th July– 06th Agost)

Alpe Loasa is a full-year organic mountain farm in southern Switzerland, at the Italian border. In return of the work and the remoteness of the site, we offer an intense community experience. At Alpe Loasa above Bruzella in southern Ticino, the focus is on mountains, animals and fellowship with other people.

Type of Work:
Various works are planned: Construction of a brick wall in the house, renew drainage of the driveway, build stone walls for driveway protection. And of course some volunteers will also help in hay harvesting.

JAPAN : Ohara 4 (27th July – 02th August)

There were 600 inhabitants in Ohara village with 90 houses 100 years ago, but now only 1 elder! Ohara eco project was founded by the local people in 2006 and has rehabilitated 7 houses of cultural heritage. They maintain and revive the trails and fields, and run various eco tours.

Type of Work: 
Volunteer will help to 1) maintain the old houses by cleaning up, drying many sleeping mats, etc., 2) do farming and 3) do other community work (e.g., construction, chopping woods, trail maintenance). Children sometimes work with adults and other times play in the nature (river, etc.) by the assistance of some parents (by turns) and supporting vols.

ESTONIA: Concervation Work with Estonian Nature Fund (31th July – 08th August)

Description: Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) is NGO dedicated to nature conservation. Its mission is to preserve endangered species and their habitats, natural landscapes and natural associations typical of Estonia. This year camp has two different tasks – restoring the habitats of endangered amphibians and removing non-native invasive plant species. Volunteers will clear the ponds of brushwood and vegetation, which helps to ensure the survival and increase of existing populations.

Type of Work: 
Work Removing brushwood and vegetation from the breeding ponds of newts at Haanja. Manually plucking out the Himalayan balsam at Karula and Otepaa. A typical workday will last for 6 hours. Work equipment and gloves will be provided by ELF.

GERMANY: Keep Calm and Mow Meadows! (04th – 25th August)

Description: The ‘Kaiserstuhl’ is a small volcanic mountain near Freiburg. Of great importance are also the dry areas with a variety of rare animal and plant species, which is why large parts of the ‘Kaiserstuhl’ are under protection. They require regular care, so that trees and bushes do not displace the special vegetation.

Type of Work: 
Mowing meadows in cooperation with the staff of the local organisation, responsible for the nature protection and landscape management; raking hay on steep slopes. Building fences for goats, other land maintenance work

TURQUIA: Disability Free Camp (08th – 15th August)

Description: SEKADER is a local NGO that aims to socialize the disabled in the region with water sports and disability camps. They created a camp ground where they teach people with disabilities to swim, canoe and dive.

Type of Work: Participants with physical disabilities (T or L level disabled) will be able to practice their camping skills and water sports activities and participate in volunteer work to paint the walls and fences of this camp site. Disabled participants may come with an accompanying person

FINLAND: Communal, sustainable living & culture at Finnish countryside (11th – 21th August)

Description:  The focus of the camp organizer, Saarela’s cultural association, is inclusion and social responsibility, as well as, for example, the revival of traditional handicrafts and art around them. The association organizes many cultural activities, from art exhibitions to music events and various workshops.

Type of Work: The volunteers will assist with organizing events like jazz-concert and summer cafes. Another mission is meeting local retired people and helping them in their daily routines. The third central theme is to participate in gardening work in the garden, also some small renovation works might be done in the area.

CZECH REPUBLIC: Back to Nature for Families (19th – 26th August)

Description:  The work camp takes place in a remote but exceptionally beautiful, hilly area of the Bohemian Forest, near the western border of the Czech Republic. The main goal is to help maintain meadows in a nature-protected area, maintain the campsite and enjoy nature.

Type of Work: Children and parents will work together when possible. Work will be organised in two groups. The first one will be working in a nature reserve. The second group will be working on the campsite preparing food, collecting wood, doing maintenance tasks or working in the nearby forest.

JAPAN : Maki and Tateya ( 25th – 31th August)

Kyodo Gakusha is a cooperative community where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, people who are tired of city life, who want to learn farming, who want to live in the nature lives together.

Type of Work:
Volunteers will help their organic farm by weeding in the rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken and also renovate the trails and the traditional house, help their house works such as cooking, washing, carrying the stuffs from the down village.

SWITZERLAND : Gipsgrueb Community (27th August – 09th september)

Description:  The cooperative “Gipsgrueb” is situated outside the village of Ehrendingen. 15 years ago most of the land was sold to Pro Natura, the Swiss nature conservation organisation. Today, the farm is run by a local tenant and the garden mainly serves the personal needs of the community members.

Type of Work: You will work 2 x 5 days supporting the cooperative maintaining an old stonewall, care the forest and prepare firewood for the central heating of the house. The volunteers of two former workcamps have been busy renovating the stonewall.

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