Participa al training online sobre permacultura organitzat per GAIA Kosovo i Pippa Buchanan aquest desembre
Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya.
Why now?
The world turned upside down in 2020. Many international activities on permaculture education were supposed to take place this year, but the pandemic made us stop, observe, reflect and adjust. In the sea of problems, we thought that talks and exchanges on permaculture could shine some light on solutions. Instead of waiting for the time when everything will be normal again we decided to organize this small online course.
What will the curse be about?
– About permaculture, permaculture ethics and principles, permaculture design
– About human needs, ecological needs, awareness and observation
– About patterns for social groups, and about seasonal and personal patterns
– About identifying strategies and how to use permaculture thinking in project creation
Who is it for?
This course is designed for those who are engaged in social and/or environmental issues and are interested to learn more about how to use permaculture thinking in their work with young people, volunteers, vulnerable groups and so forth. It is intended to be primarily for beginners in permaculture, but those with some experience are also welcome to join.
When: during 1 monthbeginning on the 30th of November, 3h each Monday and Tuesday at 9am.
If you’re interested on it, fill this form with all your information until the 22nd of november and write to to confirm your participation.